Skye the Ducklett

by ChocoChipBrownie

ChocoChipBrownie First post, woohoo. Here’s a drawing of my Ducklett OC, Skye. She’s a bubbly character who likes to pair up Pokémon she sees together, even if they’re strangers. Skye is, well, the most cheerful out of her trio. But more on them later.
  1. ChocoChipBrownie
    Feb 7, 2020
    PrincessPika~chan likes this.
  2. ~Rinko~
    Mina Ashido, from My Hero Academia.
    Feb 7, 2020
    ChocoChipBrownie likes this.
  3. ChocoChipBrownie
    Feb 7, 2020
  4. ~Rinko~
    Aw~ That's some really good art!
    Also that personality kinda reminds me of an anime character I kinda like, too~
    Feb 7, 2020
  5. ChocoChipBrownie
    @HeyItsPip Wow much thanks!! Also oh boi, you bet imma draw and show them soon.
    Feb 6, 2020
    RenzFlintrock likes this.
  6. HeyItsPip
    Whoo boy, can’t wait to see how you describe (and draw) mercury and sawyer-
    Nice drawing btw
    Feb 6, 2020