Skye and TooBlue12

by LokaMocha

Skye and TooBlue12.png
LokaMocha Welp! I guess anyone in my little covos saw this coming. XD Now, the last couple days I've had a little itty bitty problem of sending people to the Shadow Realm. So, I gave TooBlue the Millennium Rod so that now there are 2 people to send people to the Shadow Realm. >:3
Yami Yugi : Purple Realm.
Yami Marik : SILENCE!!!
Yami Yugi : I'm just sayin. o3o
  1. LokaMocha
    No! I'm not ok. XD - casually sends Yato and Hiyori to the Shadow Realm while whistling innocently -
    Apr 29, 2016
  2. The AnimeFreak
    The AnimeFreak
    Also, you okay? :3
    Apr 29, 2016
    SkyetheFabulous likes this.
  3. The AnimeFreak
    The AnimeFreak
    DO NOT SEND YATO AND HIYORI! If you will, I'll set fire to all your bagels.
    Apr 29, 2016
    SkyetheFabulous likes this.