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Silver Sonic Vs. Bass (Sonic VS Mega Man) | ASSAULT!!

by DopeLeafeon470

(Boss - Big Arms - Sonic Generations)
Ben Singer and Chad James, better known as Wiz and Boomstick, made a death battle involving Metal Sonic and Zero from Sonic CD and Mega Man X in a fight. But...who were the mechanical marvels before these two?

He's DopeLeafeon and I'm Rotom!
And we're here to study weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win THE ASSAULT!!
(Boss - Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik was a genius. He almost turned the entire planet into his own empire. Until one blue hedgehog sped by to save the day.
Sonic. Sonic the--
Sonic always stopped Eggman. He grew forces over the years. First Tails, then Knuckles, then some other Saturday Morning Mobians. And Tikal.
When Sonic was going to infiltrate The Neo Death Egg, little did he know would there be a surprise waiting for him there.
Silver Sonic. This thing is basically a skeleton broken apart, then put back together. He's...a mess.
He can make up for it, though. He only has one pupil right in the middle of his eye sockets to intimidate his foes. He hides on The Death Egg to avoid being trampled by Sonic. But he didn't know what he could do.
People around the globe had trouble just getting to the Death Egg, and Silver Sonic is no different. Any physical attack on the head will hurt the user instead. That's how hard he is. Both figuratively and literally.
With all that armor on his body, you'd think such a heavy fighter would be slow, right? WRONG!
While it is obscure, Silver can move just as fast as Classic Sonic.
While we're positive Modern Sonic goes faster than his past self, we're not sure just how fast Classic actually goes. We can see that Sonic is most capable of running around at the speed of sound, (got places to go, gotta follow mah rainbow!) so we can assume Classic Sonic is half that fast. The speed of sound is, at highest, I kid you not, seven hundred twenty miles per hour.
Woah! That's fast!
Previously, we've used this speed to compare Espio with Sonic. So we'll add Classic to the leaderboard.

I bet one day, we'll make a car that goes just as fast as Classic. Anyway, even at half of his future self's speed, Silver Sonic can move pretty fast. Maybe he can move faster with those rockets on his shoes!
That's how he runs. Since he was the very first Robo Sonic, he wasn't able to run, but rather, use the rockets Robotnik installed on his shoes.
Yeah, his "shoes". Anyway, Silver Sonic can go into a spindash that literally goes faster than Sonic himself! This is his only weapon, but it's still pretty hair-ripping-out-of-head to dodge.
Not to mention SPIKES comes out of him in EVERY direction when he decides to! That's like a snake shedding its skin whenever it feels like it!
Ew. You'd THINK that with this spindash and pretty much impenetrable, he could be invulnerable, right? WRONG! Again.
Silver Sonic is powered by a chaos emerald installed on his chest, and if it's removed, he will automatically shut down. Just like that. Magic Pens by Wham-O.
That, plus he also moves his spines as a warning to broadcast a message that he's about to spindash. Even the most op of things have to have a weakness.
But one thing's for sure: Silver Sonic is much tougher, and maybe even faster than his real life counterpart.
(Cut Man Stage - Mega Man)
The war between Dr. Light and Dr. Wily always went on. When all seemed lost for Dr. Light, one of his only robots left, Rock, volunteered to save the day. 10 times.
I swear to god, if they don't make a Mega Man 11 I will personally go over there and snap their--
Mega Man X IS Mega Man 11.
Mega Man always foiled Wily's plans whenever he had the chance. Lucky for him, Wily was a genius. He created the ultimate weapon against him: Bass.
(Mega Man 2 Medley - Super Smash Bros. 4)
Bass has quite the personality for a robot. He's very smug, always wanting to defeat Mega Man and even his own creator.
See? Zero before Zero was Zero.
Bass has the Mega Buster, just like Mega Man. But BETTER!
Bass's buster can break through shields. SHIELDS!
Shields in the Mega Man games have always been pretty much indestructible.
Although...it still can't break through Mettaur helmets.
Seriously?! What does Wily make those things with?
Definitely a stronger substance than titanium. Bass can also kick. He very kick.
Very much kick.
Bass also has his dog pal, Treble.
Treble and Bass. Huh. Treble is a lot like Rush--
Rock and Roll. And Rush. The three Rs of awesomeness.
--in a lot of ways. Except he can FLY! While Treble doesn't have much else, he can fuse with Bass to become SUPER SAIYA--just Super Bass.
What the heck even is a Super Bass? An extremely low note?
Probably. With this new form, Bass technically does become Super Saiyan, except...you know...still black.
Did we mention he's rebellious? Bass knows Wily doesn't think highly of him anymore. He's even said before that he was working on Zero.
Bass was going to try to actually BEAT Zero. But he failed. Horribly.
And when he says horribly, he means...horribly.
But overall, Bass never misses a beat. Finally, a good joke!
Alrighty, both characters have been researched, it's time to get ready for the fight! Here we gooooo!
(Bass is running across Stardust Speedway Bad Future)
Sonic: Ha! Take that, you bucket of bolts! (runs away)
(Metal Sonic is scrap)
(but he contacted Silver Sonic before he died)
(an escape pod is sent down on the highway)
Bass: (stops) What the...
(Silver Sonic comes out of the escape pod, spindashing and it hits Bass)
Bass: Ungh!
(For True Story - Sonic Generations)
(once it hits, Silver Sonic goes out of spindash and it goes slow motion into the air)
Bass: You'll regret that! (shoots buster)
Silver Sonic: (lands on ground and starts rocketing across the highway)
Bass: Treble!
(Treble comes by and Bass hops on)
(Treble and Bass soon catch up to Silver Sonic)
Get ready for the assault! ENGAGE!!
Bass: (shoots buster)
Silver Sonic: (gets dented) !
Bass: Yes! (continues shooting)
Silver Sonic: (goes into spindash and they deflect)
Bass: Woah!
Silver Sonic: (jumps and needles come out towards Bass)
(Treble maneuvers)
Bass: (shoots)
Silver Sonic: (continues rocketing to dodge all the bullets)
(Silver Sonic goes into spindash again and targets Bass)
(Bass fuses with Treble and dodges)
Silver Sonic: !
Bass: (uses charge shot)
Silver Sonic: (gets dented more and a little smoke comes out)
Bass: (keeps shooting mini pellets)
(Silver Sonic gets dented even more)
(Bass does downward kick)
(Silver Sonic tumbles over)
(Bass stops and flies over to Silver Sonic)
(Bass continues to kick Silver Sonic)
Silver Sonic: !
(Silver Sonic's eye starts to flicker)
(Silver Sonic's Chaos Emerald falls out)
Bass: (grabs Chaos Emerald and throws it at Silver Sonic) (walks away)
(Silver Sonic explodes)

At least robots don't have blood.
I definitely had to do a lot of research to find out who would win. We've said before that Silver Sonic's armor is pretty much impossible to break, but then again, Bass' buster is far more powerful than Mega Man's will ever be. So instead, Silver Sonic's armor didn't break entirely, but rather, dent. Bass only had to do that a couple more times and he would've wore down Silver Sonic. So much that it's pretty much that one Overwatch trailer where they're abusing a robot. With a metal baseball bat.
*sniff* Why do they do that kind of stuff?
Yeah, now I feel bad for Silver Sonic!
The winner is Bass.
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