Ask Us! ~Elements~: Science Doesn't Always Mean Good Things

by __Black_Cat__

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__Black_Cat__ Pixel answered, since he is one of the smartest in the group.
Humans like to test the limits sometimes, huh?
Anyways, injecting human like properties into elements and stuff isn't really that cool. Especially when the first thing the new creature sees is a cat, and copies it's form. Woop

Question asked by @SS-I Never. Thank you for contributing!

  1. -AlexTheMimikyu-
    That's true. Corgis weren't meant to be so small, but they were because of humans messing with them. BUT they ended up adorable so something good came out of corgis.
    Aug 13, 2018
  2. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    Holy Camoli!!! That backstory is pretty ba-donk-u-lus as well!!! I wish I could be an elemental cat.
    Aug 11, 2018