Schokobunny Fakemon Sprite

by Sharksuitguy17

Sharksuitguy17 Schokobunny was one of the first Fakemon concepts I had. This is my very first attempt at spriting from scratch. I had mostly only done recolours, revamps and the occasional pixel over, but this was incredibly new. I am actually pretty happy with how this turned out, I was sceptical if I could do it or not. Again, one part I would like to improve is shading. I am terrible at it.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.
~Rinko~ likes this.
  1. Sharksuitguy17
    Looking back on this, I completely forgot to outline. My eyesss...
    Aug 15, 2020
  2. ~Rinko~
    Wow, this really good! Especially for a first scratch-sprite~
    I do notice a couple place have two outline pixels touch directly that aren't corners, though (mainly on the left side from our point of view), which which can be a bit awkward-looking, but there aren't many of those places, so it doesn't affect it that much~
    Jul 29, 2020
    Sharksuitguy17 likes this.