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RWBYMon Chapter 5: Yang's Flare

by NerdyNinja

NerdyNinja Yang finds herself on the another side of the town where Ruby fell, there, she meets a new Fire friend, but can they stop a rouge gang of Numemon? Read on and find out.
When Yang awoke, she found herself in a strange town, she thought that it looked like a five year old painted it. She walked through but didn't see anybody.
"HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"!!! She cried out waiting for a response. but nothing.
She tried walking around some more but still found nothing.
"I'm getting bored here"!
Yang then notices something move out of the corner of her eye, she chased it in a long somewhat dark allyway, it seemed to be running away from her, but she was faster.
Her eyes spread in suprise at what she saw...
"What the"!? She cried out.
She saw several green slug like monsters race towards her, they were throwing pink goo at her.
Yang quickly dashed out of the alleyway. She raced out as fast as she could.
"Crap"! She thought.
"No Weapons! No Friends! What am I supposed to do"!?
Suddenly, a fireball answered her question, it blasted some of the creatures back. Yang saw a yellow lizard creature, it was telling her to come where he was.
She ran toward him, and they came out of the ally way, the creatures caught up, but slowly backed away and ran off for some odd reason.
"Numemon just hate sunlight"! The lizard creature said.
"You were lucky".
"Thanks! If it weren't for you, those things would have got me"!
"Oh! sorry! My name is Agumon"!
Agumon stuck out his 3 clawed hand.
Yang put out her hand, and shook his.
"Hi Agumon! I'm Yang"!
Yang's device she recived started to flash, she took it out and it pulled up a large map, in the map were four flashing lights:
A Red
A Purple
A Blue
and a Yellow, the other lights eeming to get closer to the yellow.
"What's that Yang"? Agumon asked.
"I'm not too sure myself". She answered.
Suddenly, there was a lound bang! Tons of Those creatures from before returned again, but they came right out in the sunlight.
Yang's device scanned the creatures, and a small picture with text boxes appeared.
"Numemon" Yang read.
"A Mollusk type Digimon with a slug-like form. He likes dark and damp environments, but has little-to-no offensive powers and is also mindless. A Numemon is formed when one carelessly raises one's Digimon, but this Digimon seems to hide a powerful secret... His special attack is the lowest of the low: he throws his own Poop at foreign enemies in order to protect himself"!
As it said, they started to throw thier poo at them, Yang dodgd them, except for oe that went in her hair...
Yang put her hand in her hair and saw it, her hand clenched into a fist.
"YOU"... Yang said her eyes changed to a blaze red. The Numemon were awfully confused.
"YOU MONSTERS"! She Yelled.
Flames burst out of her, as she raced, pummling the Numemon with ease.
She had defeated the Numemon, but then a huge Shadow rose over, all the Numemon cluched together, and a light appeared over them.
"Numemon! Digivolve to"...
Then, a huge yellow teddy bear came out of the light.
"Monzaemon"! The creature shouted.

"Hearts Attack"! He cried, he shot out huge blue hear bubbles, i trapped Yang in one, She tried to punch her way out but it was hopeless
"My turn"! Agumon cried, he raced toward the bear and shot a fire ball at him.
"Pepper Breath"!
It collided with Monzaemon, but he was too big, monzaemon then stomped on Agumon, and grabbed the heart bubble Yang was in, he opened his mouth, asorbing energy from Yang. yang grunted in as her energy was droping faster and faster
"Yang No"! Agumon cried...

Yang cried out in pain
Agumon also got crushed by Monzaemon's huge foot. then, Yang's device shined a bright light, it surrounded Agumon,
"What's Going on"!? Yang said surprised. Then Agumon shouted one word.
"Agumon! Digivolve to"...
Yang was stunned by the new monster.

"Greymon"!? She asked.

"Let my partner go"! Greymon shouted, he tackled Monzaemon sending him sprawling to the ground, Greymon caught Yang in his hands. He gently put her down, and turned to Face Monzaemon.
"Hearts Attack"! Monzaemon shouted, firing them at Greymon, but Greymon lashed his tail at them popping them, they he put his head under Monzaemon, and thrusted him into the air.
"Nova Blast"! Greymon shot a huge fire ball that striked Monzaemon, sending him flying far, far away,
Then, a light flashed over Greymon, and he turned back into Agumon, Yang rushed over to him
She went over and hugged him almost crushing him
"Or Agumon! or whoever you are, you did it! You did it! You did it"!
"Yang"... Agumon started, she released him from her monsterous hug.
"do you have anything to eat"?
Yang just laughed, we'll have something yes".
That's when a small girl appeared, she had with her a red creature that was simular to Agumon, Yang reconised her instantly.

"Ruby"! She called to them. The girl turned around.
"Yang"!? Ruby said surprised.
"What are you doing here"!?
Yang sighed deeply.
"It's a long story"...