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RWBY: Legends of Humanity - "Chartreuse" Trailer

by SailorInSpace

SailorInSpace Two years before the Fall of Beacon, a new story takes place. Follow the top students of Leonardo Lionheart on their quest spanning not just Mistral, but the whole of Remnant, in a story of friendship, bonds, trust and betrayal.

One little mistake, and a requiem can be written. Sometimes a bond can become a....
Blood in the Wind


“Chartreuse, calm down!”

Woods and bushes went by in a rush as a girl ran through the forest near her sister’s hideout. She and her were going on a routine hunt that just happened to be near home. They’d get to be paid for their work and know their environment. It made the girl smile how positive that was compared to a week ago when she was under the influence of the worst guy she thought she could have met.
“Char, please focus,” said the girl, who was speaking to herself. “You are alone in the woods, your sister isn’t here because she’s an idiot, and YOU HAVE to focus. Stupid idiots aren’t going to get you killed because you are wandering alone. You’re going to focus, your going to make it back to that house, and you are going to explain things.”
I say that, but...Lord I was quite dumb in running into Grimm infested woods when screaming about a very stupid choice by very stupid people. Switching to her thoughts, the girl kept her wits about her while reflecting on things. Seventeen by a week, Chartreuse went on and on in her head until mental circles were created. She couldn’t believe she ran away from home with a man who abused her emotionally more than her parents. Though, technically, she didn’t feel abused until the day she found out he cheated on her. Today. With none other than the sister who she believed in most. At least I didn’t go too far with the guy...Idiot...why did you believe someone older would like you that way...
A hand coming out in front of Chartreuse’s face had her focus again. No longer rattling her brain on bad choices, she focused in on the red painted nails on the hand...The girl would of been annoyed had she not been slightly happy to see the woman due to Grimm arriving on the scene.
“...Nice timing showing up right now…”
“I can’t leave my little faunus to suffer alone, now can I?”
“...You caused it…”
“And we will discuss it when this fight is over. Please tell me you brought your scythe, Chartreuse?”
“Yes, do you have your weapon, Rose?”
“Of course.”

Unsheathing a long, crimson blade in order to attack, Rose took off to attack the monsters before her. Neither she nor Chartreuse were dying today...she hoped. She lunged forward before the Beowolf could even move. Slicing from one wolf to another, an invisible link she seemed to be using to travel with guided her forward. Chartreuse watched in awe before noticing a few Beowolf off to the side and going off to attack them with her scythe now opened.
Rose continued attacking the brunt of them in the opening. Trees seemed to form a circular warp in the area she went to using her semblance. It was great for taking out a line of foes. However, she often found problems in a ring of enemies. Wolf after wolf, Rose was getting worn down. A flip here, a twist there, slash after slash; Rose was being worn down. A particularly large Beowolf came charging at her and knocked her backward with a headbut. She then went into backward barrel roll and hit a tree, dropping her sword. Just as the monster jumped to pounce on her, a scythe split it in two.
Chartreuse made it back to her. The Beowolf that now went after her friend were now going to have to face her. She might have been upset from the actions of this girl but...she was still her mentor. She was still her friend. Rose may have wronged her, but Chartreuse wasn’t turning her back on her. The guy made his choice. Though at this point, Rose knew the pain and rage she caused Chartreuse.
Despite that...those emotions...weren’t festering the same way in her friend as they were in her. As the red haired girl with dark green highlights fought on in front of her, Rose couldn’t help but begin shedding tears. She didn’t feel like she deserved this. Hurting Chartreuse the way she did with a guy that up and abandoned them both for coin, after consequences began to come about...It made her insides reel. That negativity pouring out of her now from this was just making more and more Grimm appear.
“I think...That’s all...Ah!”
Within seconds, her friend’s blood splattered across her face. Chartreuse hurriedly swung the scythe around and killed the Grimm with a clean cut. Unfortunately, Rose laid bleeding with her hands pressed against her stomach. The color of red pooling under her friend was not something she could handle. She dropped the weapon and let tears fall down her face.

Among the shining stars. . . . No, she wasn’t. Not that song. Lies everybody's future. . . . With her last breaths, Rose tried singing so Chartreuse’s mood would improve. Or at least get her into a mindset to where she could leave the forest safely. Each one of us a shooting star . . . . A song from her favorite musical they had went to together. God it was such a stupid story, but it made her smile. Which was all Rose wanted in her final moments. The last bit of light she could give, after such a terrible decision.
“No, please. Save your strength,” cried the girl, not able to handle much of this.
“Please...take that song...and the memory that comes with it...and make the world...better…”


A few months later, Chartreuse brushed hair on a plane as it approached Haven Academy. The sword from her friend having been combined with the scythe on her back thanks to a blacksmith she met after leaving the forest the day she lost her friend to the Grimm.
“I wonder if I’ll meet someone at this school worth caring for...Another faunus...a team...humans….Life can be so lonely. I hope everything can be positive until I settle in.”

Trying to think hopeful thoughts, Chartreuse mentally prepared herself for the day to come.

The hopeful girl with the temper of a bull and heart of a swan now joined the fray of chaos that was the world of huntresses and hunters. How long before her voice catches the attention of those around her?