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Revamp! A Request I Did Terribly

by __Black_Cat__

Nyx Redo.PNG
__Black_Cat__ This is Nyx, @TooBlue12 's Oc!
When I first did TooBlue's request, it came out so terrible I even hated it then. I decided that I should make a series fixing my older art, showing how much I improve, and hopefully give hope to those who think they can't. Anyways, hope you like the revamp TooBlue!!

Original: https://pokecharms.com/works/nyx.25275/

  1. Alex The Hydreigon
    Alex The Hydreigon
    Awwww! soo cutee!! I think thats a really good idea, and thats really giving me hope, so that you my friend!
    Jan 3, 2018
    __Black_Cat__ likes this.
  2. __Black_Cat__
    Jan 1, 2018
    TooBlue12 likes this.
  3. TooBlue12
    Wow! Thanks! I really do like it and appreciate it!
    Jan 1, 2018
    __Black_Cat__ likes this.