The Anecdote of Galacta Knight: Prologue: The Mirror World Equivalent

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 The beginning of a series I'm making called the Anecdote of Galacta Knight! Of course, there's no guarantee that this will become a series, like Midnight Run or my MLP OC's OC Tale, but hey, it's worth a shot.
Daven walked through the hallway. He kept hearing creepy hums and creaks, so he nervously whispered as he kept bumping into invisible walls and finding his way through. "H-hello?" he said to himself as he heard a slam in front of him. He flinched when it happened. All he saw was a mirror. a giant mirror. "Th-this must be the gateway to the Mirror World..." he tried to be brave, but he was too terrified to even try. Inside the mirror appeared a being that looked exactly like him. Daven looked closer, but by that time his mirror self jumped out and bonked him on the head. "Come on man, we have to get out of here!"
(Heavy Lobster - Kirby's Return to Dreamland)
Dark Daven hopped out of the Mirror World, and with him, Dark Matter Swordsman. Dark Daven hopped onto Dark Matter as they flew out of the place. "Was"

"Okay, DM, we have to get the star thingies and unseal Galacta Knight before it's too late!" said Dark Daven.

(One Milky Way Wishes later...)

Dark Daven pulls out all 7 stars from all 7 planets as they naturally form a circle around Dark Daven and Dark Matter. Suddenly, a giant Clockwork Star appeared. "READY...>" said Nova. "I WILL GRANT YOU ONE WISH.>"
"We wish to fight the strongest warrior in the galaxy," Dark Daven echoed Meta Knight's words. "YOU WILL NOW FIGHT A WARRIOR WHO HAS BEEN SEALED AWAY FOR FEAR. HIS POWER WAS TOO GREAT. I WILL NOW SUMMON THIS WARRIOR ONCE MORE! OK. 3, 2, 1, GO!>" Nova opened up a star-shaped portal, that released a glass case holding a warrior inside of it. He broke out of the seal and headed for an unknown planet. "Follow him!" said Dark Daven. Dark Matter swooped after him.

Eventually, Galacta Knight reached a halt. "Wait! Galacta Knight! You have to listen to us!" he said, but Galacta Knight ignored Dark Daven and made a downward thrust. "Your defeat has corrupted our world, and you have to help us restore balance to Dreamland and the Mirror World!" said Dark Daven. "Why should I care?!" Galacta Knight finally responded. "Because there's someone named Meta Knight who wants to defeat you, and if he does, you could possibly never see the sunset again!"explained Dark Daven as he hopped off Dark Matter to let him hold off Galacta Knight. "Even the Dark Matter species has started to go on strike! If Meta Knight does come and he does defeat you, worlds will cross and the world will be nothing but debris!" said Dark Daven. "Why do you care? Why can't your real self do it?" said Galacta Knight, noticing Dark Daven's color. "Because the Mirror World is GONE!" yelled Dark Daven. "We barely escaped, but everyone else inside has been erased!"
Dark Matter and Galacta Knight were still dueling, but Galacta Knight was winning by a hair. "This 'Meta Knight' stands no chance! I am the strongest warrior in the galaxy, a mere swordsman cannot defeat me!" he took a swipe that was blocked by Dark Matter. "Yes he can! We've seen him do it!" Dark Daven recalled that one day, Dark Matter used his eye to create a holographic representation of the fight to end all fights. Shortly after, the Mirror World went corrupt. Things went from freezing to taking an extra dose of coffee, so Dark Daven and Dark Matter knew they had to see what's up. Even if Dark Daven spoke for Dark Matter, and Dark Matter didn't want to do it.
Dark Matter and Galacta Knight clashed swords again. Dark Matter made a death-defying stare that simply said that he had no choice. "Listen to what Dark Matter is saying to you. If the Mirror World goes corrupt, so will this universe. We're not heroes either. But no one in this universe knows what's going to happen if we don't move, and you're the only person who can secure victory for us!" said Dark Daven. "...fine. Just don't expect me to stick around," said Galacta Knight, seizing his attacks. "Good. That's the end of that. Now we just have to get rid of Meta Knight, and both worlds will be restored," said Dark Daven. "To Planet Pop Star!" Dark Daven grabbed onto Galacta Knight's leg. "Let go of me..." said Galacta Knight. "Uh, right," he grabbed onto Dark Matter. "NOW, off to Planet Pop Star!" the trio flew to the star-shaped planet.