The Country of Meiyadarin: Prologue, Part 7, An Ordinary Palace Day...?

by ~Rinko~

~Rinko~ An ordinary day in the life for a young girl and her best friend, living at a palace in the second biggest country in the continent of Celestialle.
Of course, who knows if it will be ordinary at the very start of the day? (part 7)
I walked up to the framed fire and knelt there, bowing my head and clasping my hands.

“Please, God, give me some sign if the one I think I love feels the same.” I muttered, glancing behind me.

Christopher was staring at one of the pillars, walking around said pillar, quite possibly trying to find some sort of pattern to glass shards on it.

“Oh, and... may you please bless me with good luck for the time to come? At least until I figure out what that soot was. And also my friends, too, if it would not be too much of a waste of your sacred, though endless, time.” I continued. I did not want any harm to come to any of my friends for as long as they stood by my side, but that was not exactly what would happen.

“Finally, in my dream last night... may you please explain what ‘do-rock-da-uhh-ri-ro khu-rear ko khu-di-do-lock’ means? That is my last request of this nomaiyom.” I concluded, bowing my head even deeper, before rising and turning around in one swift movement

“Oh? Miss Maria, I assume you’ve finished your prayer?” Christopher said promptly as I reached the centre of the shrine’s main hall.

“Yes, if you would like, you can go up there too.”

“Oh, I... uh... yes I- no I...”



“Uh, are you okay Christopher?”

“No, uh I mean yes uh-“


“Yes, I am okay, it is just I... I... oh, it is not important.”
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