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by Dootletail

Dootletail This is a complete joke
Princess Rainbow Fudge is ALL the types expect dark type and ghost type,and she is a new type,RAINBOW type.
She is the princess of ALL eevee’s and eeveeloutions and she has the rainbowium-Z Crystal on her collar.
She was hated by all the trainers and the pokemon and NO ONE liked her but then as she grew older everyone loved her because she found the rainbowium-Z
To activate the rainbowium-Z Crystal,you have to scream in anger..which activates the Z move...
ULTIMATE RAINBOW BEAM and it is super effective against EVERY SINGLE TYPE but you cannot get the rainbowium-Z Crystal because it’s too hard to find and there is only one rainbowium-Z Crystal and that’s Rainbow Fudge’s.
Princess Rainbow Fudge is a nice,kind hearted eevee who hates bullies and pokemon who are mean to her friends,and has anger issues and she is the STRONGEST POKEMON AND EEVEE EVER SHE COULD CRUSH ARCEUS IN ONE SECOND
And the parts of Rainbow Fudge’s Fur That isn’t sparkly rainbow is Fudge fur.

This is a complete joke please don’t take it seriously
  1. Fire Max Rus
    Fire Max Rus
    wait... that oc ? oh gawd XD i dont mean here is someone which rainbow type idea XD
    Apr 21, 2018
    Dootletail likes this.
  2. UmbreonEevee
    Lol, you should! It would be so funny and cool!
    Feb 17, 2018
    Dootletail likes this.
  3. Dootletail
    Lol YES
    I think if we ever think of actually starting that eeveeloution convo,then I wil DEFINITELY use Princess Rainbow Fudge XD
    Feb 17, 2018
    UmbreonEevee likes this.
  4. UmbreonEevee
    This is amazing! I love it soooo much, Mia. Everything about Princess Rainbow Fudge is hilarious (except for the fact that no one liked her before) and this is just.... just wow! I never thought I’d see the day to where there was a Mary Sue Eevee lol
    Feb 17, 2018
    Dootletail and BlueMew392 like this.
  5. Dootletail
    Lol XD
    Feb 16, 2018
    UmbreonEevee and BlueMew392 like this.
  6. BlueMew392
    My gawd.....the legends are true! The Mary Sue Eevee has arrived!
    Feb 16, 2018
    UmbreonEevee, Joy~ and Dootletail like this.
  7. Dootletail
    but I see your point...
    Feb 16, 2018
    UmbreonEevee likes this.
  8. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    That's a colorful cat fox. . .
    Feb 16, 2018
    UmbreonEevee and Dootletail like this.
  9. Dootletail
    Feb 16, 2018
  10. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    I love it. XD
    Feb 16, 2018
  11. Dootletail
    I did this because I was bored
    Feb 16, 2018
    UmbreonEevee likes this.