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Pokeskits: Pokeskits: The Soup

by DopeLeafeon470

P1> Leafeon


"The Soup"
Leafeon: *picks up* What.
Noecalg: You know Leafeon, it gets kind of cold up here on Mt. Coronet.
Leafeon: So?
Noecalg: I want you to make us a soup.
Leafeon: Just...just one soup?
Noecalg: Yep!
Leafeon: That's oddly specific, since there are two of you.
Noecalg: Oh yeah...make that two soups.
Leafeon: D'oh! What's in it for me?
Noecalg: You get 10 seconds with Glaceon legally.
Leafeon: I'll DO it! *hangs up* Now...where to find some soup...I know! The library!
Leafeon: Okay, now to--Cloud?
Cloud: Oh, hi Leafeon.
Leafeon: I didn't know you liked reading!
Cloud: Yeah, Noecalg and I have a book club that we do every few weeks. Now is supposed to be our meeting, but he said he couldn't come since his sister was sick.
Leafeon: Hold up...Glaceon is sick?
Cloud: Yeah, she has cancer.
Leafeon: CANCER?!
Cloud: No, just kidding. She has a fever.
Leafeon: Phew...now, a book on soup...aha! "Soup for Dummies"...why does this book exist? *opens*
Long ago, the ancient tyrants Groudon and Kyogre fought for land...
Leafeon: You sure this is the right book?
Cloud: Keep reading.
Groudon fought with his Precipice Blades, and Kyogre fought with the almighty Soup Attack.
Leafeon: Soup Attack? What is this, MandibuzzFeed?
Eventually, the third tyrant Rayquaza split them up, and sealed away Soup Attack for its sheer power. The soup that Kyogre used for its Soup Attack now lies in the caverns of the Cave of Origin.
Leafeon: The Cave of Origin? Do I have to?
Leafeon: FFFFFF--
Leafeon: Ho-Oh, why are you in the Cave of Origin?
Ho-Oh: Hm? Oh, hey Leafeon. I decided to give appreciation for other cover art legendaries from other generations, and my third stop was the Cave of Origin. Sometimes I just like to stare at the soup.
Leafeon: Huh. So there's all the soup. *pulls out trusty drying pan and scoops up some soup* Ingredient one...cleared! *dashes back to the library*
Leafeon: Next ingredient...carrots.
Cloud: This book should help out. *hands book*
Leafeon: "All About Vegetables"? How is this gonna help me? They're just normal carrots.
Cloud: Someone glued in a page from "The History of Our Universe".
Leafeon: Why would someone do that...
The legendary carrot is currently being used as a trophy for the Tennis Tournament. SO WHADDYA WAITING FOR, YA DINGUS!
Leafeon: A Tennis Tournament? Fair enough. *dashes to the Tennis Court*
(Marina Stadium - Mario Tennis Aces)
Hitmonchan: Hubba hubba, welcome to the finals.
Hitmonlee: Hubba hubba, first round: Leafeon vs Noerbmu.
Leafeon: Noerbmu? Why are you here?
Noerbmu: Can't just sit around playing Fortnite, I have to do something active.
A few Tennis Matches later...
Leafeon: ...'kay?
One tennis match later...
Leafeon: Yaaay, I won, I have the carrot now! *cuts them with Leaf Blade* Ingredient two...cleared! *dashes back to the library*
Cloud: Did you get it?
Leafeon: Yep, now I have a Tennis Trophy too! Next ingredient: noodles.
Cloud: *hands book*
Leafeon: "The History of Tumblr"? Why?
Cloud: Turn to Page 439.
Leafeon: *flips pages* Why are there even more than 439 pages...aha! It's...a picture of Dragonite.
Cloud: Look below it.
why is charmander wearing noodles on his head
Leafeon: Ohhh... *dahses to Pokemon ranch*
Miltank: Hello! What Pokemon are you looking for today?
Leafeon: Dragonite.
Miltank: Eh, I'm afraid we don't have those.
Leafeon: No, I came for Pokemon Ranch. My Pokemon Ranch. Remember that game?
Miltank: Uh--shoot, you're right. Right this way, sir.
Leafeon: Hi, can I have your noodles?
Dragonite: No.
Leafeon: Oh well. *pick* *pick.
Leafeon: Actually, they do. Wait for it...
Dragonite: Oh. Cool.
Leafeon: *pick* *pick* *pick* *pick* *pick*
Dragonite: OW!
Leafeon: Thanks! Ingredient three...cleared! *dashes back to library*
Leafeon: Ingredient four: Chicken. Psh, easy enough.
DopeLeafeon470: BACOCK *gets cut in half*
Leafeon: Ingredient four: Cleared! Now I just have to mix them up. *dashes back to house*
Leafeon: Mix the ingredients...the Soup of Origin, the Legendary Carrot, the Dragonite Noodle, and a real chicken. *drops them in* Now...if I just mix them for a few more minutes, they'll be--
They're done already? Oh. *pours them into two bowls* The Legendary Soup has been prepared! Now I just have to take them to Noecalg and Glaceon! Should be easy...but what do I use to get there? Or I could just teleport from one of Mewtwo's machines. *dashes to Mewtwo's Lab* Why does this still exist?
Monika: Because we can't just wreck it.
Leafeon: Monika? I thought you were still with Sableye.
Monika: Well, you defeated him, so I thought I'd make a few adjustments to Mewtwo's room to make it more comfortable living here.
Leafeon: Awesome. *goes into teleporter* Well, later!
Monika: Bye!
Glaceon: *cough cough*
Noecalg: Don't worry, Leafeon will be here with the soup soon.
Leafeon: *kicks down door* I've always wondered what your house looked like.
Noecalg: Oh, hey Leafeon. Remember that time I said we should get two bowls of soup? Well, I don't need it, so...
Leafeon: Ah, well, more for me. *drinks soup* Delicious. Jeez, you look horrible.
Glaceon: *cough*
Leafeon: I thought you guys were adapted to the cold.
Noecalg: We are, but we came across this guy with untested toxins that made her sick.
Leafeon: Did you try to fight back?
Noecalg: Of course we did.
Leafeon: Maybe I can go back in time and stop that from happening.
Noecalg: You can do that?
Leafeon: Yeah, using one of Mewtwo's machines. He's got tons of them, after all.
Noecalg: Cool!
Leafeon: Eh, the soup's more delicious. *drinks soup more*
Glaceon: *hops up from bed* Wow! I feel so much better! Thanks Leafeon!
Leafeon: That's the power of the Legendary Soup!
Noecalg: Hey, I can still make it to the book club meeting! WOO! *dashes away*

I would put credits here, but who needs them when you're just going to put one person in?
Cloudswift and Ariados twice like this.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Jun 24, 2018
    Excalibur Queen and Cloudswift like this.
  2. FrostCrispz
    A Glaceon getting the cold. What's next? A Charmander getting heat stroke?
    Jun 24, 2018
    Excalibur Queen and Cloudswift like this.
  3. DopeLeafeon470