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Pokeskits: Pizza Pizza!

by DopeLeafeon470

P1> Leafeon
P2> Mewtwo
P3> Ho-Oh
P4> Aegislash


Farfetch'd: And so, Queen Sectonia hired his friend, Taranza, to help her conquer...Dreamland...*snoore*
Everyone: *snooooore*
Mewtwo: (wakes up) W-wha--?! What did I miss?
Ho-Oh: (wakes up) AH! (breathes fire)
Leafeon: (wakes up) AH! My head! (pats head)
Ho-Oh: Sorry...
Aegislash: *snoooore*
Leafeon and Ho-Oh: Not it!
(everyone gets up to leave)
Mewtwo: Crap...uh, hey Aeg?
Aegislash: AH! The war! Is the...never mind. What time is it?
Leafeon: 3:30, time to go home.
A bunch of steps home later...
Leafeon: What's for dinner Mewtwo?
Mewtwo: This. (opens box of pizza)
Everyone: Woah...
Aegislash: It's...glowing!
(evreryone takes a slice)
(everyone eats it)
Leafeon: This...
Mewtwo: Is...
Ho-Oh: The...
Aegislash: Best pizza ever!
(Mewtwo takes the rest of the slices and shoves them into his mouth)
Leafeon: Aw, come on Mewtwo! We have to share!
Mewtwo: (says with stuffed mouth) Sowwy. It's just too good.
Aegislash: The box isn't glowing anymore... *sniffle*
Ho-Oh: You suck.
Mewtwo: What did you just say?
Leafeon: Oh, crap...
Aegislash: Take it back! Take it back!
Ho-Oh: Why?
Leafeon: Oh...my god...
Aegislash: No, he's dead.
Mewtwo: (puts away one punch) Anybody else!
Ho-Oh: What...happened?
Ho-Oh: Oh.
Aegislash: Maybe there's still hope! Maybe we can still savor the pizza!
Leafeon: How?
Aegislash: Simple. 1s and 0s.
(grabs keyboard and computer)
Aegislash: Just make sure I get everything right...
Tom: 110000101010010110101011010101001110110110101011101101010101
Mewtwo: What?! No, that's my calculator!
Aegislash: So what? He's just making pizza, worst scenario, he'll destroy the world with his pizza powers or whatever.
(Everything catches on fire and there are a bunch of mutated Toms destroying the world with their pizza powers)
(Leafeon chips his ear and his other one is pierced)
(Mewtwo gets his armor again but it's shattered)
(Aegislash has his blade cut in half)
(Ho-Oh is just a skeleton)
Mewtwo: *inhale*
Aegislash: (shoves shield in face) No.

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed, be sure to like if you did! If you want to join the crew, just let me know your favorite Pokemon in the comments and I'll be sure to include you in the next episode! I hope you all have a fabulous day!
Shrine likes this.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    @Mewtwofan259 I didn't make an references...
    Besides the Kirby one at the beginning, but no one was supposed to get that.
    You don't have to get my jokes if you don't want to.
    Sep 28, 2017
  2. Mewtwofan259
    Uh... Uh... >=O NO.

    Tom: 01001001001000000111011101101111011101010110110001100100001000000110111001100101011101100110010101110010001000000110010001101111001000000111010001101000011000010111010000100001!

    To be fair, I do have an actual complaint. Though some are funny, others just don't resonate with me for one reason. You throw in pointless references that we don't understand and you represent the characters wrong.

    Not trying to be mean at all. Just, um... Try and not overuse references or try too hard to be funny.
    Sep 28, 2017
    CosmicArt likes this.