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Pokeskits: Pokeskits: Banette, Puppetmaster (The Lost Soul Pt. 2)

by DopeLeafeon470

P1> Noerbmu
P2> Cloud
P3> Empoleon


Empoleon: This place feels...empty. (checks Leafeon's treehouse) Helloooo? (checks Mewtwo's lab) Helloooo? Ugh...no one. Maybe Noecalg will show up! (checks Mount Coronet) Nope. Weird...I could've sworn they were here yesterday. Well, I only know one other person that would never leave her home.
Empoleon: Helloooo?
Noerbmu: WHO DARES LAY FOOT UPON MY--oh, it's just you, Empoleon. *LE BAT APPEARANCE* What do you want?
Empoleon: Have you seen the boys?
Noerbmu: Nope.
Empoleon: Weird...only the girls are here.
Noerbmu: I sure hope Cloud is alive.
Empoleon: Where does she live again?
Noerbmu: Don't remember. I think it was Driftveil City.
Empoleon: Off we go!
Noerbmu: Well. This place is a wreck.
Empoleon: Everything's on fire.
Cloud: *cough*
Empoleon: Cloud! Oh my god, your house is on fire! (puts it out with Water Gun)
Noerbmu: Hang on, let me get that wreckage off of you. (uses Shadow Claw to break cinder block that was holding her down) Alright, what happened?
Empoleon: And why is the place on fire?
Cloud: I cannot explain that...however, I CAN explain why this place looks like a wreck!
Noerbmu: Shoot.
Cloud: So this guy came along with an army or whatever and wrecked the place.
Empoleon: Wow. That helps a lot.
Cloud: Thanks!
Noerbmu: Do you have any recollection of who wrecked the place?
Cloud: Uh...Shuppet, I think.
Empoleon: You think?
Cloud: I'm sure.
Noerbmu: Huh...okay.
Cloud: But now that I'm free, I can track it down!
Empoleon: Lead the way!
Cloud: Alright! The army should be...THAT WAY! (points at an ocean)
Noerbmu: Are you sure your nose isn't crammed with smoke?
Cloud: Positive!
Empoleon: But how are we going to...how does this...
Cloud: There has to be a way to get over there somehow...
???: I know a way.
All: (turn their heads)
Absol: Hi.
Empoleon: *sneeze*
Noerbmu: You know a way to get us through this ocean?
Absol: Yeah. I know lots of things.
Empoleon: Do you have a ship?
Absol: Yes. (pulls out button) (presses button)
(a wooden ship comes out from under the sea)
Absol: It's been a while, but I can use it.
Noerbmu: Guys, do you know what this means?
Cloud: What?
Noerbmu: We're gonna be pirates!
Noerbmu: ...yeah, no.
(Chop Champs Menu - Kirby Star Allies)
Noerbmu: And so, we set sail!
Absol: You guys DO realize what risks we're taking here, right?
Empoleon: No. What?
Absol: You'll find out soon enough.
Cloud: You should've told us the risks BEFORE we got onto the ship.
Absol: Sorry...I'm pretty absent-minded.
(lightning strikes)
Absol: Remember the risks I was telling you about?
Empoleon: Yeah?
Absol: Well, here's our first enemy.
Noerbmu: Who would that be?
Absol: Tentacruel.
Tentacruel: ... (grabs ship)
Absol: Uh-oh.
(Totem Pokemon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon)
Empoleon: (hands turn to ice) Oh boy...a battle!
Absol: This is nothing to get excited about. That thing is huge.
Noerbmu: Come on...what is this thing weak to...
Absol: Oh, I know that. Tentacruel is a Water/Poison-type, so it's weak to Ground-, Electric-, and Psychic-type moves.
Noerbmu: We can't use Ground-type moves, that'll wreck the ship!
Empoleon: Hang on, lemme check my move pool... (robotically checks brain)
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Brick Break
Empoleon: I got a Ground-type moves, but nothing else.
Noerbmu: Check mine!
Absol: Guys, we don't have time for this.
Empoleon: Nothing.
Cloud: Mine?
Empoleon: Noth--WAIT!
Burn Up
Empoleon: Rollout!
Cloud: Rollout is Rock-type!
Empoleon: Try it anyways!
Cloud: Alright... (runs at Tentacruel, rolls, and turns into a rock)
(Tentacruel gets hit in the face, and Cloud bounces off)
Absol: Good, but that's not enough.
Tentacruel: (uses Acid Spray on side of ship)
Absol: She's gonna sink!
Empoleon: Nothing a little ice can't fix! (uses Ice Beam on holes)
Absol: Uh...read my movepool!
Empoleon: Alright...nothing. You have the ability to use Psychic, but that's TM29. I can print it out, though.
Absol: Start it now!
Empoleon: (prints out of mouth extremely slowly)
Absol: Come on!
Cloud: We have to stall Tentacruel until she's done!
Noerbmu: *nod* (uses Shadow Claw)
Cloud: Do you know any move BESIDES Shadow Claw?
Noerbmu: I can use Tackle if you want.
Cloud: You know, Shadow Claw is a really good move.
Empoleon: Done!
Absol: (grabs TM and eats it) (uses Psychic)
(Tentacruel gets knocked back and falls into the ocean)
All: Phew...
Absol: Wait...we're sinking!
Empoleon: Hang on! (uses Ice Beam on all the holes)
Absol: (uses Psychic to bring it back up again) It's not stable, so we'll have to be really cautious. Oh, and by the way...why did you want me to use this ship?
Noerbmu: We think our friends are in trouble.
Absol: And none of you are boys?
Noerbmu: That's the ironic part.
Absol: Hmm...I think I know who you're dealing with.
Cloud: Who is it?
Absol: His name is--
(The ship shakes)
Empoleon: Seriously?! I just got this fixed!
Noerbmu: Maybe it's just a bunch of Tentacool who want revenge?
Absol: Those aren't Tentacool.
Cloud: Shuppet! I knew it!
Empoleon: They're bringing us down!
(The ship sinks)
Empoleon: Uh...I can get us to land! Right there, in the fog!
Absol: What're you waiting for?!
Empoleon: Uh...let's see...here we go! (uses Ice Beam to create a path) (grabs Absol, Noerbmu, and Cloud) (uses Hydro Pump to make it a waterslide and makes them go on it) (Goes on herself)
(The ship fully sinks)
Absol: Nooo... ;-;
Cloud: I hope you didn't think those Shuppet that were sinking us were the last of them... (weakly points at other Shuppet behind them)
Noerbmu: Oh dearie dear.
(They get knocked out)
Empoleon: Ugh...I'm so stiff...must've overslept...
Noerbmu: You're not in your room.
???: Bring them out.
(The bag opens)
Banette: How did you guys get here?!
Noerbmu: We took a boat.
Banette: Wait a minute...Empoleon, Umbreon, Quilava...you are all acquainted with my vessels! And...Absol?!
Noerbmu: Vessels?
Absol: That's my name.
Banette: Of course it would be your ship, it's the only one that can access this place!
Cloud: Uh, why do you hate us again?
Noerbmu: Uh, he said vessels.
Banette: Allow me to explain it fully to you. *ahem*
Absol and I lived in peace as a couple.
We raised an army of Shuppet, and swore we would use it to take over the world.
Until Absol saw there were greater things in the world.
So she took the only ship that was able to contact this island, trapping us here.
I told all of my Shuppet to sink any ship that came to this isle.
But I needed something that could break the barrier...something I know could.
That's why I brought them here. VESSELS, SEIZE THEM!
Cloud: Vessels?
Noerbmu: Uh, I said twice about that.
(Doors open, revealing Leafeon, Ho-Oh, and Noecalg, but their eyes are glowing blue)
Empoleon: Ohh. That makes more sense now.
Banette: Yes, yes, well they're mine now!
Noerbmu: Uh, one question, Mr. Banette?
Banette: Yes?
Noerbmu: Why didn't you capture any of us?
Banette: Oh, because the males are always stronger than the females. You guys would be of no use to me, and it would take up too much brain power to control someone who would normally be useless in battle.
Absol: Ah...
Banette: Go, my vessels!
Empoleon: Let's see...Leafeon's a Grass-Type...
Rock Tomb
>Aerial Ace
Empoleon: Here we go! (Gets tackled)
Leafeon: ...
Empoleon: You asked for it! (uses Aerial Ace) One down, two to WOAH! (gets cut by leaves) Right. Shouldn't fight a Grass-Type when you're a Water-Type.
Noerbmu: I'll take Leafeon, then! (uses Shadow Ball)
Leafeon: ... (uses Energy Ball)
Empoleon: Does anyone have any idea how to beat these things?
Banette: Nope! They can see your every move before you do them.
Absol: Well then it's a good thing there's someone who can't. (Runs up to Banette and uses Dark Pulse)
Banette: (Counters with Shadow Ball) Looks like I'm taking you then.
Absol: Let's take this outside, shall we?
Banette: With pleasure.
Absol: (uses Shadow Claw)
Banette: (blocks) I hope you know I've been keeping something a secret just for this moment.
Absol: Oh yeah? What's that?
Banette: (Mega Evolves)
Absol: ...oh. Then I hope your prepared for an epic duel!
One epic duel later...
Banette: OOF
Boys: OOF
Leafeon: wha happen
Empoleon: You got possessed by an evil puppet.
Ho-Oh: Hey, that kinda sounds a lot like the FNAF--
Noecalg: SHUSH!
Leafeon: Anyway, we weren't strong enough to break whatever barrier that Banette held up, so our purpose was to build a transportation machine to go to the afterlife to see if Absol was still alive! I guess we can use it now.
Ho-Oh: No, uh, actually, this is an interesting part.
Noecalg: So?
Ho-Oh: We have to stop here so it motivates people to watch the next part.
All: Ohh...

(Temmie Shop - UNDERTALE)
Empoleon - SapphireTheEmpoleonMaster
Noermbu - Sun and Moon
Cloud - Cloudswift​
I know it's been a while. I apologize for the lateness...and that's it. This is being the Dopest of Leafeon, and I hope you all have a fabulous day!
Cloudswift and FrostCrispz like this.
  1. Cloudswift
    Lol you didn't reference the Ninjago ringtone this episode
    Apr 23, 2018
  2. FrostCrispz
    I love how Noecalg got left out of the battle entirely...
    Apr 23, 2018
  3. DopeLeafeon470
    Apr 23, 2018