Alright, everyone.
I have won a raffle.
A raffle that let in a game.
What game is that, you may be asking?
PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure.
I don't know where, don't know when, but I've been invited.
In case you haven't noticed already...
Game Freak loves Pikachu too.
It was only a matter of time before Game Freak released another Pokemon Spin-Off about him for the Wii.
PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure.
The predecessor to Kirby Star Allies, because it's literally about friendship.
A lot of people criticize this game for not having any action, and I, unfortunately, have to agree.
However, there are a lot of good things I have to say about this game.
The dialogue is really charming, the graphics are beautiful, and every Pokemon is just really cute.
Well, I made a Top 10 favorite Pokemon list, let's see if they had a purpose in this game...
Gallade wasn't in it...
Delphox was Gen 6...
Ampharos wasn't in it...
Noctowl wasn't in it...
Ledian wasn't in it...
Cobalion was Gen 5...
Groudon--Wait, Groudon was in it?!
Groudon, a Pokemon that literally almost destroyed the world, is now living peacefully in a place full of peaceful Pokemon?!
That's bull.
Oh, and of course, Leafeon was in the game.
And is infamous for how mean it is.
I'm not the same Leafeon, of course, but hats off to that dude. He is 2 c00l 4 Picarchu.
Hey, Porygon-Z was in the game!
And he's a playable character in a shooting game!
That's neat!
And of course, Swoobat was Gen 5.
That's all my favorite Pokemon, and only 3 of them were in the game.
Oh, and if anyone's wondering, Leafeon was in Bulbasaur's Daring Dash, Groudon was in Blaziken's Boulder Bash, and Porygon-Z was in Rotom's Spooky Shoot-'em-Up.
The game is mostly about making friends, however, there are the main attractions: Attractions.
SOme of them are really fun, some of them aren't.
I really like Bulbasaur's Daring Dash please don't judge me.
There are a lot of attractions.
So go to the bold if you don't give a crap.
Bulbasaur's Daring Dash have Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Weedle, Caterpie, Magikarp, Jolteon, Arcanine, Scyther, Ponyta, Eevee, Mew, Treecko, Oddish, Shroomish, Lotad, Chimchar, Bibarel, Turtwig, Bidoof, Munchlax, Bonsly, Leafeon, Shinx, Pachirisu, Buneary, and Croagunk.
Venusaur's Vine Swing have Pikachu, Magikarp, Mankey, Primeape, Aipom, Treecko, Blaziken, Jirachi, Munchlax, Croagunk, Chimchar, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Infernape, Lucario, and Tangrowth.
Pelipper's Circle Circuit have Pikachu, Spearow, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Taillow, Wingull, Tropius, Pelipper, Latias, Starly, Staravia, Gliscor, Honchkrow, Togekiss, and Staraptor.
Gyarados's Aqua Dash have Pikachu, Psyduck, Golduck, Vaporeon, Feraligatr, Azurill, Slowpoke, Corsola, Lotad, Empoleon, Floatzel, Prinplup, Bibarel, Buizel, Piplup, and Manaphy.
Empoleon's Snow Slide have Pikachu, Magikarp, Blastoise, Lapras, Teddiursa, Empoleon, Glaceon, Glalie, Delibird, Piloswine, Prinplup, Squirtle, Piplup, Quagsire, Spheal, and Suicune.
Bastiodon's Block Barrage have Torchic, Meowth, Sableye, Pikachu, Magby, Chimchar, Gible, Charmander, Sudowoodo, Raichu, Mr. Mime, Ursaring, Hitmonlee, Magmortar, Electivire, and Metagross.
Rhyperior's Bumber Burn has Magnemite, Pikachu, Bonsly, Baltoy, Torkoal, Quilava, Claydol, Magnezone, Torterra, Snorlax, Venusaur, Flareon, Hitmontop, Tyranitar, Rhyperior, and Heatran.
Blaziken's Boulder Bash has Pikachu, Geodude, Phanpy, Blaziken, Garchomp, Scizor, Magmortar, Hitmonchan, Machamp, Marowak, Farfetch'd, Cranidos, Camerupt, Bastiodon, Mawile, and Groudon.
Tangrowth's Swing-Along has Pikachu, Meowth, Pichu, Lucario, Infernape, Blaziken, Riolu, Sneasel, Raichu, Ambipom, Primeape, Aipom, Electabuzz, Chimchar, Croagunk, and Celebi.
Dusknoir's Speed Slam has Pikachu, Stunky, Gengar, Mismagius, Scizor, Espeon, Dusknoir, Umbreon, Cranidos, Skutank, Voltorb, Gastly, Duskull, Misdreavius, Krabby, Darkrai.
Rotom's Spooky Shoot-'Em-Up has Pikachu, Magnemite, Porygon-Z, Magnezone, Gengar, Magmortar, Electivire, Mismagius, Claydol, Electabuzz, Haunter, Abra, Elekid, Mr. Mime, Baltoy, and Rotom.
Absol's Hurdle Bounce has Pikachu, Chikorita, Absol, Lucario, Ponyta, Ninetales, Lopunny, Espeon, Infernape, Breloom, Riolu, Furret, Mareep, Eevee, Vulpix, and Shaymin.
Salamence's Air Ace has Pikachu, Latios, Salamence, Charizard, Dragonite, Flygon, Aerodactyl, Staraptor, Honchkrow, Gliscor, Pidgeotto, Togekiss, Golbat, Taillow, Murkrow, and Zubat.
And Rayquaza's Balloon Panic has Pikachu, Deoxys, Lucario, Glaceon, Luxray, Flygon, Mamoswine, Infernape, Floatzel, Gliscor, Rhyperior, Absol, Breloom, Mareep, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita, and Mime Jr.
For some reason, I find these more enjoyable to play than a Mario Party game released on the same console.
Actually, that's a lie.
But there is one thing I enjoy about these games: Characters.
You're not limited to just a few characters, almost every Pokemon is given a chance to shine.
The Ice-Types get a chance in Empoleon's Snow Slide, Flying-Types get a chance in Pelipper's Circle Circuit and Salamence's Air Ace, Water-Types get a chance in Gyarados's Aqua Dash, and so on.
There is one complaint I have with this, though:
Mythical and Legendary Pokemon.
If you want to play this game casually, you're in bad luck, because if you want to pick a Pokemon that isn't legendary or mythical, chances are, it'll show up and ruin your game.
For example, if you wanted to play as me in Bulbasaur's Daring Dash, Mew will show up and kick your butt.
Or Dusknoir's Speed Slam with Darkrai, Absol's Hurdle Bounce with Shaymin, so on and so forth.
And you can't play these attractions with friends.
I mean, these attractions are begging for multiplayer.
Oh, right, back to the story.
You can only play these attractions by making friends and collecting berries.
You make friends to unlock them, spend berries to play them.
Eventually, after making so many friends and so many berries, you'll come across Mew.
Befriend Mew, and you just completed the game.
That's it.
PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure is cute, but if you're expecting a challenge, look elsewhere.
But this is the first time since Pokemon Snap where we saw Pokemon in their natural habitat, so that's pretty rad.
And by the way, mah pal @Eeveechu151 did a Let's Play of this game on his YouTube channel. I highly recommend you check it out.
Next episode, we'll be taking a look at Pokemon Battle Revolution.
This is being the Dopest of Leafeon, and I hope you all have a fabulous day!
I have won a raffle.
A raffle that let in a game.
What game is that, you may be asking?
PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure.
I don't know where, don't know when, but I've been invited.
In case you haven't noticed already...
Game Freak loves Pikachu too.
It was only a matter of time before Game Freak released another Pokemon Spin-Off about him for the Wii.
PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure.
The predecessor to Kirby Star Allies, because it's literally about friendship.
A lot of people criticize this game for not having any action, and I, unfortunately, have to agree.
However, there are a lot of good things I have to say about this game.
The dialogue is really charming, the graphics are beautiful, and every Pokemon is just really cute.
Well, I made a Top 10 favorite Pokemon list, let's see if they had a purpose in this game...
Gallade wasn't in it...
Delphox was Gen 6...
Ampharos wasn't in it...
Noctowl wasn't in it...
Ledian wasn't in it...
Cobalion was Gen 5...
Groudon--Wait, Groudon was in it?!
Groudon, a Pokemon that literally almost destroyed the world, is now living peacefully in a place full of peaceful Pokemon?!
That's bull.
Oh, and of course, Leafeon was in the game.
And is infamous for how mean it is.
I'm not the same Leafeon, of course, but hats off to that dude. He is 2 c00l 4 Picarchu.
Hey, Porygon-Z was in the game!
And he's a playable character in a shooting game!
That's neat!
And of course, Swoobat was Gen 5.
That's all my favorite Pokemon, and only 3 of them were in the game.
Oh, and if anyone's wondering, Leafeon was in Bulbasaur's Daring Dash, Groudon was in Blaziken's Boulder Bash, and Porygon-Z was in Rotom's Spooky Shoot-'em-Up.
The game is mostly about making friends, however, there are the main attractions: Attractions.
SOme of them are really fun, some of them aren't.
I really like Bulbasaur's Daring Dash please don't judge me.
There are a lot of attractions.
So go to the bold if you don't give a crap.
Bulbasaur's Daring Dash have Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Weedle, Caterpie, Magikarp, Jolteon, Arcanine, Scyther, Ponyta, Eevee, Mew, Treecko, Oddish, Shroomish, Lotad, Chimchar, Bibarel, Turtwig, Bidoof, Munchlax, Bonsly, Leafeon, Shinx, Pachirisu, Buneary, and Croagunk.
Venusaur's Vine Swing have Pikachu, Magikarp, Mankey, Primeape, Aipom, Treecko, Blaziken, Jirachi, Munchlax, Croagunk, Chimchar, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Infernape, Lucario, and Tangrowth.
Pelipper's Circle Circuit have Pikachu, Spearow, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Taillow, Wingull, Tropius, Pelipper, Latias, Starly, Staravia, Gliscor, Honchkrow, Togekiss, and Staraptor.
Gyarados's Aqua Dash have Pikachu, Psyduck, Golduck, Vaporeon, Feraligatr, Azurill, Slowpoke, Corsola, Lotad, Empoleon, Floatzel, Prinplup, Bibarel, Buizel, Piplup, and Manaphy.
Empoleon's Snow Slide have Pikachu, Magikarp, Blastoise, Lapras, Teddiursa, Empoleon, Glaceon, Glalie, Delibird, Piloswine, Prinplup, Squirtle, Piplup, Quagsire, Spheal, and Suicune.
Bastiodon's Block Barrage have Torchic, Meowth, Sableye, Pikachu, Magby, Chimchar, Gible, Charmander, Sudowoodo, Raichu, Mr. Mime, Ursaring, Hitmonlee, Magmortar, Electivire, and Metagross.
Rhyperior's Bumber Burn has Magnemite, Pikachu, Bonsly, Baltoy, Torkoal, Quilava, Claydol, Magnezone, Torterra, Snorlax, Venusaur, Flareon, Hitmontop, Tyranitar, Rhyperior, and Heatran.
Blaziken's Boulder Bash has Pikachu, Geodude, Phanpy, Blaziken, Garchomp, Scizor, Magmortar, Hitmonchan, Machamp, Marowak, Farfetch'd, Cranidos, Camerupt, Bastiodon, Mawile, and Groudon.
Tangrowth's Swing-Along has Pikachu, Meowth, Pichu, Lucario, Infernape, Blaziken, Riolu, Sneasel, Raichu, Ambipom, Primeape, Aipom, Electabuzz, Chimchar, Croagunk, and Celebi.
Dusknoir's Speed Slam has Pikachu, Stunky, Gengar, Mismagius, Scizor, Espeon, Dusknoir, Umbreon, Cranidos, Skutank, Voltorb, Gastly, Duskull, Misdreavius, Krabby, Darkrai.
Rotom's Spooky Shoot-'Em-Up has Pikachu, Magnemite, Porygon-Z, Magnezone, Gengar, Magmortar, Electivire, Mismagius, Claydol, Electabuzz, Haunter, Abra, Elekid, Mr. Mime, Baltoy, and Rotom.
Absol's Hurdle Bounce has Pikachu, Chikorita, Absol, Lucario, Ponyta, Ninetales, Lopunny, Espeon, Infernape, Breloom, Riolu, Furret, Mareep, Eevee, Vulpix, and Shaymin.
Salamence's Air Ace has Pikachu, Latios, Salamence, Charizard, Dragonite, Flygon, Aerodactyl, Staraptor, Honchkrow, Gliscor, Pidgeotto, Togekiss, Golbat, Taillow, Murkrow, and Zubat.
And Rayquaza's Balloon Panic has Pikachu, Deoxys, Lucario, Glaceon, Luxray, Flygon, Mamoswine, Infernape, Floatzel, Gliscor, Rhyperior, Absol, Breloom, Mareep, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita, and Mime Jr.
For some reason, I find these more enjoyable to play than a Mario Party game released on the same console.
Actually, that's a lie.
But there is one thing I enjoy about these games: Characters.
You're not limited to just a few characters, almost every Pokemon is given a chance to shine.
The Ice-Types get a chance in Empoleon's Snow Slide, Flying-Types get a chance in Pelipper's Circle Circuit and Salamence's Air Ace, Water-Types get a chance in Gyarados's Aqua Dash, and so on.
There is one complaint I have with this, though:
Mythical and Legendary Pokemon.
If you want to play this game casually, you're in bad luck, because if you want to pick a Pokemon that isn't legendary or mythical, chances are, it'll show up and ruin your game.
For example, if you wanted to play as me in Bulbasaur's Daring Dash, Mew will show up and kick your butt.
Or Dusknoir's Speed Slam with Darkrai, Absol's Hurdle Bounce with Shaymin, so on and so forth.
And you can't play these attractions with friends.
I mean, these attractions are begging for multiplayer.
Oh, right, back to the story.
You can only play these attractions by making friends and collecting berries.
You make friends to unlock them, spend berries to play them.
Eventually, after making so many friends and so many berries, you'll come across Mew.
Befriend Mew, and you just completed the game.
That's it.
PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure is cute, but if you're expecting a challenge, look elsewhere.
But this is the first time since Pokemon Snap where we saw Pokemon in their natural habitat, so that's pretty rad.
And by the way, mah pal @Eeveechu151 did a Let's Play of this game on his YouTube channel. I highly recommend you check it out.
Next episode, we'll be taking a look at Pokemon Battle Revolution.
This is being the Dopest of Leafeon, and I hope you all have a fabulous day!