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Pokemon Stardusts: Prologue

by Elroz

Elroz Hello. My name is Elroz, and I've decided to make my own story that I thought of. I hope you enjoy since I've been planning to publish a story on a website for the longest.
7000 Years ago
In a time where life was expanding slowly, there lived a civilised city that have been developing in their intellect for years. They were known as the Cosians. They invented and discovered new things, such as new pieces of metals, different types of herbs and spices. And their most popular one. The Stars. They believed that somewhere out there lies mystical and bizarre wonders out there in the far out sky, as they continued to discover for mostly the rest of their lives.
34 years later
On a quiet night, with most of the Cosians asleep, one man named Lesmor was out for a small walk, when suddenly he saw something that surpassed what he could ever imagine. A strange yellow creature in the shape of a mouse was wandering around the land. Lesmor decided to further investigate it as he first asked "What are you exactly?". To his surprise the creature responded by saying "Pikachu". Lesmor was strangely confused on what he heard. He got closer to the creature as it got closer to him. The yellow mouse let out the same word it spoke, over and over again. Lesmor was a bit lost, but he admired that mystery of it. Soon he spotted more strange creatures appearing over the horizon. Some big some small. Some that are colored differently, others that are the same. They came in different shapes, humanoid and animal like. Lesmor would be quaking in fear, however he did not mind it, since he rather enjoyed it. He was practically at paradise. Lesmor chose to spend some time with these strange creatures, as he slowly grew bonds with them.

As a few hours passed by, Lesmor rushed back to the city to tell everyone on what he discovered. The people at first thought he was mad, but since they are known for discovering new things they decided to listen. He led them to the plains, and by shock the people were flabbergasted on what they saw. Lesmor decided to help his fellow people to get to know these creatures and possibly be kind and friendly with them. Fortunately, they all enjoyed themselves. Some of the creatures played around with the children, the adults and the huge creatures surprisingly got along really well. It was all bliss. It was at that moment that Lesmor decided to name these creatures, Pokemon. This soon started the legacy of Pokemon. The Cosians practically got addicted to researching Pokemon. They would find new types, different kinds and eventually realising that the Pokemon can release elemental like energy from themselves, or even change their overall appearance. This began the great age of discoveries.

20 years later
Many years past. As Lesmor became King of Cosia, developing his kingdom and city day by day. He had finally married a beautiful woman and had two children soon. One child was very deceptive and insightful, while the other was brash and somewhat boastful. They would bicker day by day saying which is better. Use their Pokemon in silly events, mess with each other and so on to the point where it would drive Lesmor mad. However despite their differences, they still admired and acknowledged each other as Brothers.

14 years later
Lesmor had finally reached his point as he grew old. He could barely walk, hear well or even speak clearly. It was clearly his time as he got ill one night. His illness was unknown to the world, and was practically impossible to cure since each Pokemon with the ability to heal could not have any effect. He soon passed away at the age of 79. Pokemon and Cosians each mourned his loss. A great man has left this world. The two sons and his wife were the ones mostly devastated. However the wife remembered a gift that Lesmor gave her to keep forever. It was known as the Astral Stone. It was said that Lesmor discovered it when it supposedly fell from the sky. Once used, unknown things will happen that could be bizarre and divine to mortal eyes. The mother kept it safe in a secret room underneath the kingdom. And the stone was never seen again.
Present Day
Museum Guide
: The legacy of Lesmor is famous still to this day as his robes and inventions are stored right here in the Lesmor Museum. Now.. does anyone have any questions?
A boy in a red jacket gazed at what he saw. His spiky waved back black hair and blue eyes were hidden since he was young. He was awestruck on the story he heard. His name was Daigo, and his one goal in life to embrace the world of Pokemon.