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Pokemon Stardusts: Chapter 1

by Elroz

Elroz And now the story REALLY begins..
In a massive city, there was a sudden noise of people screaming and cheering. That sound was the obvious showing of a Pokemon Battle. Hundreds of people were gathered to witness the battle, as two trainers stared each other down. An Electabuzz and a Nidoking were taking each other on, both looked like fierce Pokemon. The Electabuzz drove its fist towards the Nidoking with electric energy sparking out of it. The fist was then smashed onto Nidoking's jaw with an electric aftershock. The Nidoking took the hit without worrying as it then pushed its head back and striking the Electabuzz with its horn. Both Pokemon skid back as they charge at each other, clashing their heads while the impact cause a bit of a shock wave. Nidoking stomped its foot on the ground which made the terrain rise up a bit causing Electabuzz to shake for a short while. Suddenly, Nidoking lunged forward while Electabuzz was shook for a bit, delivering a mighty sucker punch to its face. The crushing blow caused Electabuzz to go flying and crashing down near it's trainer. Electabuzz then gave up with it being tired and all. And on that note Nidoking was victorious. Amidst the cheering crowd, was the boy with the same red jacket. Daigo. He was recording the entire fight with his camera that he takes around with him everywhere. He saved the recording on the battle and turned off his camera as he began to leave the scene.

Averia City.
Averia city is titled The Zodiac City with it's buildings being at least 35-100 metres tall. Just as tall as a Skyscraper. The entire design of the city was practically all over the place and felt other-worldly . Tubes that led to different parts of the city. Some of then would even lead to the beaches and underground sections. The colors of the city were present everywhere you go. There were many places to stop by, such as high class restaurants, hotels, casinos and even Cinemas. But the Pokemon are also what made this city so majestic. Pokemon shows across the city would be shown practically all the time. From morning to night. Outdoors, indoors. The City was practically an eternal paradise.

Lesmor Town
A town dedicated to the man who bonded Pokemon together was also the town where Daigo lived in. The town was relatively peaceful with a population of 50 people. Daigo would always sit on his home fence staring at the entire town and the city over the distance. "I think this is a good video to keep just in case." He said. He recorded Pokemon fights in order to better his strategy in his upcoming adventure. Recently he has captured 17 Pokemon battles across the city. With the videos he has, he believes that he can become a Pokemon master. And today was the day his journey would begin. "Daigo!" His name was called from within his own house. He entered to find the entire room to be full of balloons and a giant sign that said "Best Wishes". His mother who had the same hair color as him with a bit of a mini spike on the top, rushed over to him to give him a surprise hug. "Ooh! I never thought this day would come. You're finally going to embark on your Pokemon journey! I'm so worried.. happy, but worried!" His mother was practically going nuts all over the place. Daigo gave a slight sigh and responded with "Mom. It's fine. I'll be alright ya know. Besides you gave me a pretty strong Pikachu.. even if I haven't used him battle yet." The mother calmed down a bit with a few tears in her eyes. "Right, you and Pikachu are together so it's fine I guess. I just want you to be careful.. the Xeles region is fairly massive. You could easily get lost anywhere because of its tremendous size."

There was a knock at the door. The mother went over to open the door and standing there was Professor Larch. The Pokemon Professor of the town. "A good morning to you Karen. I hope Daigo is ready?" He said in a high voice. "Yep. He's all prepared and everything. Kinda scared to be honest." She said with a worried tone. The Pikachu hopped on Daigo's shoulder indicating that it was also ready to go. "Hm? Daigo are you going to take that camera with you?" The Professor pointed at the camera hanging on Daigo's neck. He replied cheerfully with "Yeah of course. I've had this camera with me for a pretty long time. And I know it might help me on my journey. So I'm taking it with me." "Fair enough. Alright.. its time!" Larch got out a bag he had on his back that was seemingly heavy. He opened it and it revealed a few items in it. A 7 Poke-balls, a Pokedex and an X-Transceiver. Essential items to start a journey. "You'll need these to start out. It'll be a good way to embrace the first path." "Thanks professor."

Both of them walked out with Pikachu still on his shoulder, as the mother was tearing up heavily. "Daigo! Please be safe! And don't take money from strangers!" " I won't mom!" Finally Daigo reached the first step to his journey. He saw hundreds of tall grasses in his way, with many Pokemon being there. The Professor then patted him on the back, before taking his leave. "Good luck out there Daigo." "You got it!" Shortly after Larch left, Daigo took one step in the grass.. and to his surprise he had his first encounter. A lone Growlithe stood before him. It seemed to not dislike Daigo stepping foot here for some reason. But that didn't bother him as he was ready to take action. "Pikachu, get ready." "Pikachu!" The Pikachu yelled as he jumped off Daigo's shoulder and got into a battle ready stance. Both Pokemon stared each other down with menacing looks. "Alright Pikachu! Go!"
Pikachu charged in as the Growlithe did the same. Both of them ran towards each other preparing to attack. Pikachu swung it's tail as Growlithe delivered a quick slash with its paws.
