Pokemon Journey Randomized: And Extreme Adventure: Pokemon Journey Randomized: An Extreme Adventure - Episode One

by avae

avae So just the other day, I was reading an RP discussion I'm in with some really good friends and @SummerShaymin linked us to a Radomizer that as the title says, Randomly chooses a story for your character. This seemed like an amazing idea and with the inspiration from @ZiruDeathLord I just had to try it :) Here's the story of Zale, a 16 year old boy who's actions are always, well, random.
This story starts out just like any other story of a new Pokémon trainer, with choosing your first Pokémon. Zale is a 16 year old boy with spiky brown hair, an adventurous attitude, and the dream to become the world's greatest Pokémon scientist.

Zale woke up at 7:00am sharp just in time to get dressed, brush his hair and teeth, and eat breakfast. He wore a Dusty Pink pull-over hoodie, dark gray sweat pants, white and gold tennis shoes, a pink hat to match his hoodie, and a black backpack with red curved stripes going up and down on the front. He said his goodbyes to his family, and hurried out the door, mind set on his starter Pokémon. He wondered what it would be. Turtwig would have been his last choice, followed by Piplup, and Chimchar his favorite...

"WHAT?!?!? What do you mean they're all gone!" Zale said heartbroken. "I'm sorry son, a trainer by the name of Barry came and took the last one not but an hour ago, replied the professor. Zale starred blankly at the empty table where the starters would normally be. Professor Rowan noticed the sad look on Zale's face. "I may have something for you in the back." The Professor turned and walked into a room marked 'Johto'. He came out carrying three shiny Pokeballs. "I got these yesterday from a Professor in Johto, they were originally going to be used to research projects, but that can always wait." Rowan continued. Zale's face brightened to the tint of the Sun.

"Thank you so much Professor, you don't know how much this means to me!" Zale replied full of happiness once again. The Professor smiled and released the Pokémon in the three balls he was holding. Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Tododile were standing infront of him. "Make sure to choose wisely, and not just based on how they look, base your choice the original bond you feel with the Pokémon.

Zale took that piece of information in heart and studied the Pokémon carefully. Tododile and Cyndaquil shoved Chikorita out of the way to try and be front and center. Zale knew instant who his partner would be. He said his thanks to Rowan and took his Pokedex and new partner along for the long road to becoming a Pokémon Scientist.
flint-n-steel likes this.
  1. flint-n-steel
    Nice one, Bro! This is really cool, glad I inspired you.
    Nov 20, 2017
    Avalios likes this.