Pokemon Drawing

by LuckyLucy

LuckyLucy Please Vote!
Hi, so my new friend really likes pokemon, and she wants me to draw her a picture of a pokemon, and she didn't care which pokemon I do. Here is what I was thinking:

1. Bellossom
2. Pichu
3. Emolga

Please tell me which one! The most votes by Wednesday will be the one I draw!
Shikowara likes this.
  1. LuckyLucy
    Ok guys, I think I will just draw it now since you guys all want Emolga!
    Apr 8, 2019
    Misty Diamond likes this.
  2. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I'd vote, but I think that Emolga's most likely gonna be the one to draw
    Apr 8, 2019
    LuckyLucy likes this.
  3. LuckyLucy
  4. LuckyLucy
    So far all of you have said Emolga! lmao!
    Apr 8, 2019
    Misty Diamond likes this.
  5. PokeStorm
    Apr 7, 2019
  6. milk_tea
    Emogla, probably.
    Apr 7, 2019
    LuckyLucy and PrincessPika like this.
  7. Firox
    tough choice with all - Emolga my favorite as well from the three
    Apr 6, 2019
    LuckyLucy and PrincessPika like this.
  8. Magic Sparkle
    Magic Sparkle
    Hard question, i iike them all.

    I would say emolga, he is my favorite pokemon after all
    Apr 6, 2019
    PrincessPika, glennis75 and LuckyLucy like this.
  9. LuckyLucy
  10. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    Emolga. :)
    Apr 6, 2019
    PrincessPika and LuckyLucy like this.
  11. ~Rinko~
    I'd say Emolga.
    Apr 6, 2019
    LuckyLucy likes this.
  12. LuckyLucy
    Thanks everyone! Please tell me what you want me to draw next. And yes, what I draw I will post!
    Apr 6, 2019
    Misty Diamond and PrincessPika like this.