pokemon adventures: Pokemon Adventures chapter 4 vs Pikachu

by Charmander The Curious

Charmander The Curious [​IMG]pika!!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]go dudes to catch the plague!!!
[​IMG]its a championship? [​IMG]no tis pikachu its a thief!!
[​IMG]okay i will catch this pikachu!!
[​IMG]go saur! [​IMG]VS[​IMG]
[​IMG]solar beam!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]pika... [​IMG]go pokeball!! [​IMG][​IMG]
[​IMG]Thanks you catch the plague thanks thanks [​IMG].......

[​IMG][​IMG]........ [​IMG]Red you have badges [​IMG]no and what are badges?
[​IMG]badges its mysterious simbous of gyms.....an 1.badge its boulderbadge
[​IMG]boulderbadge? [​IMG]its rock type of badge...

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