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Poke Noob: Poke Noob Novel Part 1

by BravenYouTube

BravenYouTube (Sorry it's not art but more a story) As I woke up to get my first Pokemon I had realized my mom wasn't at home making me breakfast or watching TV or any of the sort. I just put some Pop Tarts in the toaster, and set out. Quickly, I arrived with the astonishing nerve of who to choose. Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur? I decided to pick Charmander and headed back home with my new Pokemon friend. Still, she was missing so I looked around town but only to find nobody else either. Suddenly, I hear a scream behind the bushes. I see Team Rocket threatening a young girl to give her partner Pokemon Nidoran female to them. I step in and we take on those grunts together. I order a scratch attack on Grunt A's Zubat, but it doesn't do much. Nidoran female does the same. Unfortunately for us, Grunt B's Weezing uses Self-Destruct and causes our Pokemon to be stolen. With tears in my eyes, I ran away back home, questioning myself, "What next?"
  1. BravenYouTube
    If you have any recommendations for part 2, let me know :D
    Jun 6, 2018