Pokemon OCs: Persian OC

by limniris

limniris Quick description of some of my OCs. More will be added soon.
Kou (Persian)
Limber (prevents paralysis)
Lvl 37
3’ 05” 72.4lbs
Slash, Power Gem, Bite, Screech
Naughty (+atk -sp def), quick tempered.

Nimbasa City street cat, abandoned at a young age by a breeder. Lives in an alleyway behind some apartments. Very defensive due to having grown up wild, has a cruel sense of humor. Notched right ear, the very tip of his tail is missing due to an unfortunate event with a trainer's Houndoom. Uses Screech on everything from Pokémon Control to plastic bags.

a screm boi :3c
Unlikely I'll ever give him a Trainer, but as with all my OCs it's possible. He'd do better with a pokemon rescue worker than with someone trying to take on the League.
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