Lil’ Circe’s Nuzlocke: Page 3: i broke a few rules, but hey im in Santalune City

by A wild flower

A wild flower try to read this one i dare you. Im just done. Ill be doing them digitally if i can. Reee im just dying inside right now, but hey heres a comic.

Edit: im gunna reset my game again and start over with the Nuzlocke. I haven’t gotten that far, so its easy to start over. This is the last page of the Discontinued Lil’ Circe Nuzlocke. The reason im restarting it, is because i want to stick with a character type and Circe stumbled from shy and timid, to owo whats this if that makes sense. I’m sorry to see this go, but i want to make a better character. Plus i can add a few things to make it more original like other nuzlocke comics. Now, i will still start with Froakie, but im doing it with a different character. Im sorry that I have discontinued this, but it made me a big better, in the time it was here, with character building. So i will have a single page be the mc then we will get into the story.
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