Lil’ Circe’s Nuzlocke: Page 2: Sweet Goodbyes and Aquacorde Town

by A wild flower

A wild flower Tbh i gave up on Shauna’s hair. Here is a translation im not a good photographer.

Circe: Hi! Im Circe.

Shauna: Now that we’ve met, we can go on.

Kobo: why.

Circe’s Mom: Bye Lil’ Circe! Have fun!

Shauna: Less go get r pokemon.

Enter Aquacorde town.

Shauna: gimme.

Kobo: not yet.

Owo its a Froakie. His name is Okeanos and he is Circe’s partner. He lvl. 5, so far he’s actually lvl. 9 but we haven't gotten that far.

Circe: i want this one.

Shauna: i wanted that one...

Yeah here is my trash comic. I might do longer ones on digital, but later. Reee the next one will be ultra good because i broke some Nuzlocke rules and im a butt that way.
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