Lil’ Circe’s Nuzlocke: Page 1: Fresh Start in Vaniville

by A wild flower

A wild flower Im doing this traditionally because it will be better that way. Its a bit hard to read, so ill just put what they’re saying here.

Circe Orvia. Age: 12

Circe: Do i have to leave now? I dont want to go.
Circe’s Mom: You’ve waited 2 years later. You can’t stay here all your life. Go.

Transition with dumb bird and trees.

Shauna. Age: ?
Shauna: HEY! Circe, is it? Hi! I’m Shauna.

Kobo Osoko. Age: 13
Kobo: Greetings. I am Kobo. Pleased to meet you.

(A few people might recognize Kobo lol)

Yeah here it is. I’ve already gotten my starter, but I’m just going to make another page. Also, Circe has been used for a name in another Nuzlocke comic, but i used it because it is a Greek goddess’ name and i liked it. I’m not trying to copy.
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