The Truth Behind...: Outsider Compilation

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Gee, thanks Rotom.
Wow, Rotom. You sure do like to make outsider references, don't you?
Yeah! So much it caused you to make an article about it!
If you keep, making outsider references, I'm gonna have to make another Outsider Compilation.
I'll get to outsiding!

"The Truth Behind Pokemon in Super Smash Bros."
None of the characters in there besides Pokemon Trainer are doing something productive. Pikachu has an excuse, but not Lucario. Pikachu is being sapped from its electricity to use as a power source for Angel Island Zone over here, Lucario's awaiting a challenger on the very tippy top of the Ice Climber's mountain, and Pokemon Trainer is fighting back the Primids (The Heartless of Nintendo).
Angel Island Zone- The first stage in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles, is a floating island.
Heartless- the main enemy in the Kingdom Hearts series, made up of little darkness, like the Primids.

"The Truth Behind Gladion and Type: Null"
Ugh, anyway, Gladion was the definition of edgy in the Pokemon games.
As was Shadow the Hedgehog!
Can you stop making outsider references?
Shadow the Hedgehog- A character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, very edgy.

"The Truth Behind Sun and Lillie"
It's like a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time scenario. As a kid, you get girl cooties, but as an adult, you literally WANT the girl to put her mouth on said Ocarina.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time-
A Nintendo game for the Nintendo 64.
Ocarina- a musical instrument that involves blowing, and can cause storms, can turn back time, and more.

"The Truth Behind The Truth Behind"
It may seem weird, considering you can't actually see Rotom, but it's just to add a little *ahem* (tries to say in Plankton voice) PIZAZZ to my articles, and to make them a little more *ahem* PIZAZZ...FUL to read.
Plankton- The main antagonist of Spongebob.

"The Truth Behind Lusamine"
Well, the anime isn't canon.
Calculation failed.
What? Who installed Internet Explorer in you?
Interenet Explorer- A web browser that takes really long to load, only to fail loading.

"The Truth Behind Lt. Surge"
Popple? Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga? He always puts "see?" after his sentences?
Popple- A shadow theif in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga-
an RPG for the Game Boy Advance
Who knows? It could've been the great Pokemon GO war of Valor, Mystic, and Instinct!
Pokemon GO- the first Pokemon game for the iOS and Android
Valor, Mystic, and Instinct- Three teams in Pokemon GO

Okay, phew, I think that's it.
Too bad! I've come up with a ton more outsider jokes for the next Truth Behinds!
That'll keep the fans that I don't have waiting! Hey, I'm DopeLeafeon...
and I'm Rotom!
And we hope you have a fabulous day!
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