On The Bright Side: OTBS Chapter 6: Proof?

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 Nate decided that to earn his trust, Noah would have to find proof that he was telling the truth. Will he be able to do so? Find out next week on The Bright Side Z ;).
Crickets…. The single best way to describe their reaction. They just looked at me for like an entire minute before Nate asked “so now you’re saying that the principal plotted against you and your doppelganger to swap your locations?” He said sarcastically.

“Umm… yes actually.” I said plainly.

“Exa-,” Nate started. “Wait, seriously? And why would we believe you?”

“Also, if you knew that, then why didn’t you say so yesterday?” Kara said, arms crossed.

“Hey, I didn’t know!” I said hurriedly, “But my mom was in a call with Mr. Colstrom and she said that I had already been swapped, meaning they knew this would happen.” I explained.

The three of them exchanged glances at that point. It seems they came to some kind of silent agreement. “Okay, fine,” Nate said, acting once again like he was in charge of everything. “If you can find any kind of proof to any of this, we’ll believe you.” He said.

The bell then rang and the three of them fled the room and didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day. However, now that was okay, I had a goal, and I just needed to find some way to find some proof.

Later that day, I was back at home, trying to figure out how in the world I was going to find proof. Then I realized; in my hurry to get away yesterday, I’d forgotten to check the flashdrive, so I went to the office before my mom got home to get on the computer. Wait, wasn’t she home already when I got home yesterday? Oh, well, I wouldn’t question that rare stroke of good luck.

I plugged in the flashdrive and something strange came up. All of mine and Nate’s plans were still there, but there was something else. There was some kind of pulse. Three of them on a blank map. One was radiating out of the spot where I was standing. A second was pulsing from where I knew Nate’s house should be, but the third signal was the most important. It came directly from the principal’s office. However, there was also something strange about that last one; it seemed weaker, like it was older or something. Anyway, now I at least knew where to look for my evidence, because that meant that there was something hidden in the principal’s office that I could find with this map.

I spent the rest of the night building the pick-pocket tool that my Nate and I had created the design for on the flashdrive. Tomorrow I would get my evidence, no matter what.
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