On The Bright Side: OTBS Chapter 12: The Weekend

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 Noah waits through the weekend, awaiting Tuesday, when they would face Colstrom and he'd find out whether he'd stay or whether he'd return to the darkness.
An awkward silence followed, none of us knowing what to say or how to answer that question. After about a minute, though, I decided it didn’t matter, “We’ll figure that out when we get to it, let’s just not worry about it, we know the plan so let’s just stick to it and not look into questions that don’t matter.” I said.

“You sure?” Nate asked, looking at me with concern.

“Yeah, it’ll be fine.” I said, putting on my best fake smile. Mikey and Kara seemed convinced, but I could tell Nate still wanted to push the matter so I continued, “Hey, why don’t we just have fun instead of moping about something that may not even occur.” I said to him and he nodded.

The next few days were fun. During the day, I’d tell my mom that I was doing homework in my room, but sneak off to see Nate and the others. It was awesome.We played ‘bored games’, which I thought was a weird name for something fun. Then we did something called a ‘roll play’, which had nothing to do with bread for some reason, but it was still fun. However, my favorite was something they called ‘video games’. They were these weird things with fancy moving pictures that looked real. Those were great.

However, the nights weren’t so great. I’d lie awake at night, figuring out what would I do if I was stuck in my world again after we succeeded. I’d be worrying about how my Nate was doing. And… worst of all…. Homework….

Monday came way to soon. It seemed like, before I could blink, school was back in and we were back in the treehouse on Monday night putting the finishing touches on our plan before we put it into reality the next day.

Our final plan turned out to be this: in the morning, I would bring a fake copy of one of Nate’s necklaces, made realistically by Kara. At the beginning of the lunch period, I would knock on Colstrom’s door and tell him I had a deal to give him the ‘necklace.’ I would lead him away from the office and we’d discuss stuff and I’d keep him distracted. When the bell rang for the end of the lunch period, I’d have hopefully already struck a deal and would give him the ‘necklace.’ Then I would leave and go to fifth period like nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Nate, Kara, and Mikey would be sneaking into his office. When the lunch bell rang, they would slowly head toward the principal’s office and would sneak him after I’d led him away. Mikey had a lock picking kit that I’d taught him how to use that he’d bring in to get into the office so he’d use that to get in. After that, they’d slide aside the bookshelf and go into the secret office. Inside, Nate would use a pair of wire cutters that he’d bring to slightly alter Colstrom’s mask’s circuitry so that it would fail when he attempted to use it. At the same time Kara and Mikey would find and take Colstrom’s version of Nate’s necklace. Then hopefully, they would meet me in fifth period and we’d be home free.

The plan seemed foolproof. It seemed like this was going to be easy. It seemed too easy, and as we would find out, it was too easy…
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