On The Bright Side: OTBS Chapter 11: The Hard Question

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 The group is finally starting to act like a team, but will it hold up when faced with the questions of the future after Colstrom's defeat? Find out in the upcoming chapters!
Nate ignored me at school the next day, Friday, as was the plan. He had decided to not even tell the other two about what we found until after school either, so they ignored me as well, so it was a pretty boring day. Though, admittedly, it was a bit unnerving that all my teachers seemed to be keeping a strict eye on me, even during the lunch period. Undoubtedly, Colstrom had put them up to it.

Anyway, when the seventh period bell rang at the end of the day, Nate and I made a show of frustration with each other before storming off in opposite directions, Mikey and Kara trailing behind Nate. However, it was all an act. I just looped around when I figured I’d gone far enough for it to look real before heading straight to Nate’s house. When I got there, he was already explaining everything to the others.

“So… Noah really was telling the truth?” Mikey was asking Nate incredulously when I got up the ladder.

“Yup,” I said, stepping inside.

“What was the proof you got that convinced him?” Kara asked curiously.

“See for yourself,” I said, pulling up the picture of Colstrom's secret office on my phone and handing it to Kara.

“Woah, that looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie!” Mikey said looking over Kara’s shoulder at the picture. “Cool.”

“Yeah, cool if you like your mind being possessed by a psychotic principal.” Nate responded.

“What now,” Kara asked, her head jerking up in surprise.

“Read this,” he said. “It’s a copy of the letter on my necklace, which is apparently also a magic power source and a flash drive.” He said semi-sarcastically. “I printed it after you left yesterday.” He said to me.

After they read it, Mikey looked up and asked, “So you two knew this all day today? That whole hating each other thing was just an act?”

“Well, yeah.” Nate said.

“It was so convincing…” Mikey said in awe. “Even I believed it.”

“Trust me, I’ve had plenty of practice pretending I don’t know my friends.” I say. “Especially since it’s pretty much illegal to have friends where I come from.”

“Oh,” Mikey said, probably not knowing how to respond to that. That was followed by an awkward silence in which I’m pretty sure we were all thinking the same thing, but Kara was just the first to put it into words;

“What’s going to happen to you after we fix things with Mr. Colstrom?”