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Sharkly: Orchestra (And a little Facebook)

by DopeLeafeon470

Jason: Hoop-de-do...let's see...Math...English...
(Lucy walks up)
Jason: Science...no...
Lucy: Am I fake to you?
Jason: ...what?
Lucy: I just wanna know, am I fake?
Jason: What? No!
Lucy: I KNOW you have a Facebook!
Jason: Aw, god dammit I only have it for kicks, I don't even have a--
Lucy: Is THAT why you have it? To find OTHER girls?
Jason: I don't even pay attention to that stuff!
Lucy: Than you BETTER get rid of it, or change your relationship status to "In a relationship"!
Jason: Alright, jeez, I'm sorry!
Dude, fuck Facebook man, seriously...
Orchestra Teacher: Okay, class, today let's learn notes.
Jason: Finally! I have waited long for this!
Alex: Indeed. I haven't understood our music for the past thirty-eight days.
OT: Okay, I have chosen this class specifically for violas.
Ryan: There's...no one here.
OT: SHUT UP! *ahem* So, your acronym is: Fat.
Kids: Fat.
OT: Apes.
Kids: Apes.
OT: Can't.
Kids: Can't.
OT: Eat.
Kids: Eat.
OT: Grapes.
Kids: Grapes.
Vedant: Impossible! I believe anything or anyone can achieve anything if they are willing to set their mind to it!
OT: Okay, Vedant, if I make this finger position, what note am I doing?
Vedant: Uh...C Sharp?
OT: No, Low Two. What finger position am I making now?
Vedant: C Sharp.
OT: No! It's not a C Sharp! Jason! What finger position am I making?
Jason: B-B flat!
OT: Good! Back to Vedant!
Vedant: .-.
OT: What note is this?
Vedant: C Sharp!
Jason: ...shit, dude.
Vedant: (gets kicked out of the classroom)
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