Fallen Origins: Noah White

by Hotshot14380

Hotshot14380 Here is the backstory of Noah White. Not much else to say!
In 1962, the Woodland Elementary school was struck by one of the most disastrous storms ever recorded in history at Point Silverside. It came out of nowhere, destroying everything in it’s path as it roared towards the school.

Luckily, the school had managed to get every child out safely. At least that’s how the story goes. Noah White had been taking the recycling to the basement as he did every Thursday and had not heard his teachers calling everyone out, due to him listening to music. All the people in his school were evacuated and driven away from the school and out of town while Noah had been left to die.

When Noah finished, he proudly walked back to his room, only to find no one there. It was then he realized what was going on. He ran over to a nearby window and gazed at the monstrous storm approaching. It was bigger than anything he’d ever seen.

Terrified of what would happen, Noah broke for the back doors. However, they were already barricaded by flipped cars, trees, and other impossible to move objects. With no escape, Noah had no choice but to accept his fate, as the building began ripping apart and he was sucked into the storm.

Noah’s eyes slowly opened as he awoke from his terrible nightmare. Or at least, he thought It was a nightmare, until he looked around him. He was in a gigantic tunnel like thing made of weird looking blue wisps of energy.

All Noah wanted was to go back home, but now he was stuck in the seemingly endless tunnel of time. Noah walked over to the wall of the tube, and saw events the past, and on the other side, events of the future. He spent years trying to understand the tube, seemingly not needing food or water.

Noah came to understand this was the only way out. He walked over to a memory displaying a city that looked similar to his, and walked through. Suddenly, a portal appeared in the sky of Thero City.

Noah began yelling at the top of his lungs as he stayed floating in the air. He realized he wasn’t falling and marveled at this new found ability, While trying to learn how to maneuver in the air, he stuck his arm out quickly in one direction, firing off a beam of light towards an apartment complex window. This soon set of an explosion that took the building down.

Terrified by his abilities he accidentally created a portal, and disappeared somewhere else. Months after discovering his abilities, Noah came upon an abandoned looking shack. It was his old house. He entered and was hit with an explosion of nostalgia. His was short lived, after being caught by a boy in a suit of metal, and a fire wielding boy.

After uniting and proving his intentions to be good, Noah teamed up with the two, and helped in the creation of the secret base beneath the shack, while fighting off villains from other periods of time.