dogverse: nijigaku dog designs

by Popplio

nijigaku 1st years pupy.png nijigaku 2nd years pupy.png nijigaku 3rd years pupy.png setsuna ayumu ai.png
Popplio only counting those in the Official Idol Club:tm: :p 10th (and 11th...?) members may be revealed later. If I'm not lazy I guess LOL

this is the last for now! I'm gonna work on other projects in the meantime :) i will probably do the liella girls at one point or another, but for now.... i sleep. zzz
  1. Popplio
    @Gamingfan The rest have floof enough for both Setsuna and Shizuku :D
    Aug 24, 2021
    RenzFlintrock and Gamingfan like this.
  2. Gamingfan
    The floof is strong in these ones.

    Well, 'scept Setsuna and Shizuko but still....shut up.
    Aug 24, 2021
    RenzFlintrock and Popplio like this.