Nico and the Hoenn Protectors- Hard Reboot- Opening

by Cryronn the Mudkip

Cryronn the Mudkip Heya. So, I'm gonna get to the meat of this straight away.
Hello Nerds!

It's me, ya boi, Shiva Guatama Cryronn-Chan!

Remember me?

So apparently, Cryronn still exists corporeally within the bounds of this universe. That actually might shock some of you, seeing as my use of this site died for about 6 months, probably twice. And I remember stumbling on an old series made in my first year of Charms- Nico's Hoenn Protectors. Now, it was crappily produced and full of Grammatical Errors, and I ended it on a cliffhanger on Septrember 7th, 2017, probably just forgetting it existed entirely.

You know, because I'm a good person, I thought-


No I'm not continuing the god dang series, I'm gonna reboot it.

So, should I say some more? Yeah, probably.

Okay so listen up, Nico's Hoenn Protectors will now be rebooted as Nico and the Hoenn Protectors, because the old name was awful. Don't @ me.

Anyway, if you want your character in the story, send me a DM with a compact biology of the character you want to be a character. Lemme lay out the ground rules-

Age: 10-15

General Personality:
Pokemon: Must be 1st Evo, if you want me to give them an egg move that's a-ok. Maximum of 2.

And hey, that bio really sells all the points you need to make a character, unless I hecked up royally and forgot something important about character creation. If I did, feel free to scream at me in the comments. If you wanna stay up to date on the series but don't want a character, make sure to @ me, @Cryronn the Mudkip , in the comments, and say- "Meep Mace I want this series in my Face."

Anything else?


Well, OK, guess that's it then-
  1. Imperfect World
    Imperfect World
    Meep Mape, I want this series in my face

    Also, I’ll probably just ask if I can insert Yellow, same as last time? Everything would be the same, and she’d have a crush on Nico again.

    HOWEVER, this is completely up to you. You might’ve also given up on the story, considering this opening thing is almost two years old.
    Feb 28, 2022