UTAUloid: NEKOloid Color Pallet?

by Stelluna

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Stelluna So lately, I've been thinking about a color pallet for NEKOloid, so I drew this base based on a picture I drew a while ago. The top is an example of what the two lower ones are pictures that need to be put together. I think the also need transparency applied to the backgrounds and layer transparency needs to be set to 74% for the second layer. The bottom is a color pallet example. (There is a picture of SEEU at the top right corner of it because I used SEEU's pallet. It was drawn by Mintymo). You can make your own pallet for her and PM it to me because I don't now what it should be.
  1. julisnivy
    Oh gal you are so mad :'|>_<
    May 19, 2016
    Stelluna likes this.
  2. Stelluna
    Oh, then "OH YEA, MR JULISNIVY AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    May 19, 2016
    julisnivy likes this.
  3. julisnivy
    you know what I mean >=O
    May 19, 2016
    Stelluna likes this.
  4. Stelluna
    May 19, 2016
  5. julisnivy
    Are those... hearts in her boobs?
    May 19, 2016
    Stelluna likes this.
  6. Andrewski
    Too cute!
    May 18, 2016
    Stelluna likes this.