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My Top 5 Most Relatable Pokemon

by GoldenAbsol

GoldenAbsol GoldenAbsol's Top 5 Most Relatable Pokemon, rated in most similarities. Warning: Opinionated
Here we are: my first post on a new platform. I’d first like to introduce myself: YO. I’m GoldenAbsol and I’d like to welcome you to my small corner of the internet. First things first, I’d like to get me to know you a little better. So… How’s your day been? How’s school? Perhaps type in the comments your most relatable Pokemon.
I’m really just talking to my imaginary audience aren’t I?
Yeah. Oh well.
Moving on, I want you to me better too, for example, my personality, my hobbies, or maybe something else.
In the words of Robin Williams: “You ain’t never had a friend like me!” If you class me as a friend that is, I don’t expect you to trust me yet.

5. Smeargle
I'm quite an artsy fella, if ya don’t mind me sayin’. I’m credited when it comes to art quite a bit (IRL), since (apparently) I’m gifted in this way. I like doing art, and I’d like to leave my mark on the world, which is exactly what this Graffiti Master does to mark its territory. I feel I am more closely linked to its anime appearance, as we see three Smeargle all with differing colours of paintbrush tail creating a mess. This relates to me because I feel that I’m always thinking I’m doing so well, but when I take a step back to see what I’ve done, I realise its just colourful yet pointless squiggles. I enjoy doing it nevertheless.

4. Snorlax
Ok, ok, I know what you’re thinking: “Oh my Golly Goldeen! What a cliche! What a cop-out!” And yes, admittably this is quite a cliched choice, but I feel I can really relate to this giant hulk of a bear. I blame puberty lately for my instatiable appetite and sleepy swings, which is the actually the entire point of Snorlax. The Pokedex even reads ‘Snorlax only eats and sleeps its entire life’ which is entirely true for what I’d like to do.
As well as watch cat videos.

3. Wobuffet
Wobuffet is the punching bag of the Pokemon World. You hit it hard, it hits back harder. Even though retaliation isn't the best, I can't stand it if either someone hurts me or hurts my friends, so I always find way to get back at them. I've previously had experiences with bullying against myself, and I don't want people feeling the way I have felt before. Always speak up, hit back harder and move on.

2. Whismur
I have a lot of secrets. Secrets of myself, secrets from my friends, secrets that I'm scared that if they get out, I might loose some of my best friends. Whismur is the embodiment of this, as its voice is so quiet, it can sometimes even be inaudible. I also sometimes feel, as a person, my voice cannot be heard within a group even with sometimes my best friends. But hey, there you go.

1. Growlithe
Growlithe is as loyal as loyalty gets. Even its Pokedex entry reads:
I have been told that the main reason I have such loyal friends is because of the loyalty I have shown to them. And I'm incredibly proud of that. Hopefully, in the future I can maintain this quality and go on to show the world it too.
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