My oc togedemaru

by Steven quarts universe

Steven quarts universe Meet my oc togedemaru. Jack

And yes I know it's a piece of trubbish but hey it's my first try and ya got stick with it (right? *scared to look at comments*)
  1. nuclearsushi
    Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! YOU ARTED!!!! This is a cutie ♥ I know you're not on here anymore but just in case you see this: keep drawing if you love it! I'm rooting for you!
    Feb 11, 2017
  2. Steven quarts universe
    Steven quarts universe
    Thanks :) I'm thinking of making a komala name jess
    Dec 26, 2016
  3. Astralpunk
    He's cute. :blush:
    Dec 26, 2016