Pokemon Theories: My Idea of what Generation 7 Will Be

by Kawaii Unicorn

Kawaii Unicorn Basically a theory for generation 7
So my thery is:
1. Pokemon 7:
It has been proven that Pokemon Z will come through Zygarde's new forms. I believe that Nintendo will add a few more mega evoloutions, and I am hopeing to see Arceus, Mew, and the Eeveeloutions receive megas. Ash-Greninja will probably be an event for the first few months of the games release (like Diancie), and that Pokemon will release some kind of way to receive Xerneas and Yveltal.

2. What The Region Should Be Based Of:
There are many countries Nintendo could base the regions off, but some come to mind as a big possibility.
Eygpt- (exscuse me if I spelled wrong) This region would be more of a dessert, and that the main city would be the home of the piramids.
England- This is my favorite choice of region because Big Ben would make an amazing addition. This region would probably have the main city as London, such a Kalos used Paris as the base of Lumiose City.
Antartica- Another interesting choice is Antartica, I could see this as a polar region, and requiring the player's choice of outfit to be warm attire. The player might have moved from a warmer region to this region, and is getting used to the cold.

3. Main theme
Dark VS. Light- In this one I think the England region would work best, perhaps there are two legendary pokemon, each wanting to outrule eachother, and the whole point is that in whatever version you play, the mascot sends either light or dark onto the region, and the player has to stop it.
Sun VS. Moon- This would probably be nice for any of these regions, and it might have two legendarys connected to Solrock and Lunatone, maybe some kind of primal reversion?

4. What we all want
Better Character Customization- Since gen 6 we have all been able to show our unique style, but what about more? More hair styles and color, more clothing, maybe even cosplay options to look like your Pokemon!
Bring back walking with your Pokemon

Well that is all I feel like talking about, feel free to discuss in the comments. What do you think will happen in Generation 7?
Lizzie101 likes this.
  1. Kawaii Unicorn
    Kawaii Unicorn
    Ya the girl needs to have a different hat, she looks too much like Dawn. I wanna send this idea of me and yours to Nintendo, any idea how, I don't speak japanese, nor can I write it.
    Feb 9, 2016
  2. Lizzie101
    But do you think my first sketch of starter characters should be tweaked a little?
    Feb 9, 2016
  3. Lizzie101
    Oh sorry.
    Feb 9, 2016
  4. Lizzie101
    Feb 9, 2016
  5. Kawaii Unicorn
    Kawaii Unicorn
    I got the message, I was just taking a while to think of what I was gonna say for the starters
    Feb 9, 2016
    Lizzie101 likes this.
  6. Lizzie101
    I don't know if my iMessage works! It is pretty bad and my iPod is sooooo slow.
    Feb 9, 2016
  7. Kawaii Unicorn
    Kawaii Unicorn
    Ya! We should do a series together, if you wanna email me my email is: @MissPinkRebelle@gmail.com no capitals at all.
    Feb 9, 2016
    Lizzie101 likes this.
  8. Lizzie101
    Yeah! I could sketch up some FUTURE game characters and give a list of possible names and then send them to you! We could be on to something!
    Feb 9, 2016
  9. Kawaii Unicorn
    Kawaii Unicorn
    Ya that could be like a story plot thingy, the gym leader accidentally sends the player to a different time! Like one game will have the player go back, and the other will have the player go to the future!
    Feb 9, 2016
    Lizzie101 likes this.
  10. Lizzie101
    Whoops! Sent it two times!
    Feb 9, 2016
  11. Lizzie101
    Probbaly. Maybe he/she could be a really genius inventer and make a machine that can time travel!
    Feb 9, 2016
  12. Lizzie101
    Probbaly. Maybe he/she could be a really genius inventer and make a machine that can time travel!
    Feb 9, 2016
  13. Kawaii Unicorn
    Kawaii Unicorn
    Thanks @Lizzie101 I just thought my birth place would be a good place for a Pokemon Game, maybe the gym leader really will like clocks?
    Feb 9, 2016
  14. Lizzie101
    You know how generation six is in France, the lumiose city gym is actually the Eiffel Tower!!! So if they did England, Big Ben could be modified and turned into a gym and to the very heart of england!!! I think you are on to something!!!
    Feb 8, 2016