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My Friday the 13th Story [A True Story]

by Mockingchu

Mockingchu Exactly what the title says...
I'm not a big believer in the occult. I'm much more scared of real life stuff. When I was little, I didn't have nightmares about ghosts and vampires. I dreamt of flames engulfing my neighborhood. Every. Night. For an entire week.

Although, a few years back I had a dream that the whispers from LOST were coming from my attic. I checked it out, and a ghostified version of the Simpsons leapt out at me. But that's as far as my supernatural dreams go.

Until yesterday.

Friday the 13th.


The day started off with a bang. I shot up in my bed, drenched it sweat.

Okay, that's a bit over the top. What really happened was:

I opened my eyes, groggily. Still drenched in sweat. Why was I awake? I squinted, and saw blurred green number on my alarm clock. 6:24.

Okay, so I wasn't up too early. But still up before my alarm. I switched off my alarm, and got out of bed. As I stood up, I remembered my dream.

I was Robin. Not sure which version of Robin. And I was with Batman. We were in my real life home, but we were Batman and Robin! I've been writing too much Batman: Eternal (go read it though, it's good!)

Anyhow, one of the other Robins, Red Robin, was off somewhere. On some sort of mission. At my elementary school. And he wasn't back yet.

I checked with Batman to see if everything was alright. He gave me a quick nod before going stone-faced again. Nice.

Apparently, my real life grandma is perfectly content with a grown man in a batsuit sitting with her grandson, because she smiled at us as she came up the basement stairs.

"Grandma, have you seen my brother?" I asked. We'll call my brother "Jared" in this story. It hit me all of this sudden that Jared was Red Robin.

Confusing? Here's a quick recap. I am Robin. Jared (my brother) is Red Robin, and is up at elementary school for some reason. Batman is Batman. Grandma is Grandma.

"He's just at school," my grandma responds. No one is nervous. Except for me. Batman and I had been battling the Scarecrow (so many parallels to Batman: Eternal). Some part of me knew that Scarecrow had Jared!

My phone buzzed on the coffee table in front of me. A call from Jared. I answered it immediately.

"Mockingchu (not using my real name because I like privacy), you need to come get me," Jared said in a shaky voice.

I sprung to action. I raced upstairs to my room, to grab... something. I don't remember! I had this dream two nights ago! As I left my room, I heard something.

whirrrr... tik tik tik tik

I looked up, and saw three fans spinning in sync. We didn't have fans upstairs...

A thought hit me out of nowhere. Scarecrow could apparently transform into other people in this dream world of mine! What was stopping him from transforming into Jared, and leading me into a-

That's when I woke up.


The rest of my morning was pretty normal. Toast and meds and teeth brushing. A quick bus ride to school. But I couldn't shake the weird feeling I had. My last nightmare had come... a long time ago. I couldn't even remember. Then, on Friday the 13th, one pops into my head from out of nowhere! Hmm...

My first hour class is in the basement of my high school. Biology. The classroom is in a back corner of the school that only has a few classes clustered in it.

Anyhow, on my walk down the stairs, I saw a boy with black hair and black clothes. He stared straight at the wall, not moving. Okay. I got to class without any trouble.

A minute or so later, my friend (let's call him Paul) walked into class.

"Yo, did anyone see that weird kid on the stairs?" Paul asked. My teacher began to ask if the kid looked sad, and if she should talk to him. Instead of my teacher leaving, Paul led a group of two or three kids back to the stairs. They reported back immediately.

"He's gone!" Paul yelled, "He's a ghost! The school is haunted! Rest in Peace Oak Valley East!"

We all had a good laugh. It was obviously some kid who was just sitting on the stairs, and had since left for class. Or was it?

Nah, it definitely was.

The next event happened at night.

I had been watching SovietWomble, while burrowed under my blankets. I'm not allowed to have my phone in my room, so the blanket cave was an absolute necessity. Unfortunately, it was very hot and humid in my room. My blanket cave became uncomfortable very quickly. I threw my covers off, and decided I was done watching videos. First, I had to put my phone downstairs in case my mom tried to look for it in the morning.

Before I continue, there's a bit of background you need. My bathroom is being redone at the moment, so the crew working on it has laid down long sheets of paper over the floors to protect it from dust and scratches. So already, my heart was pounding. The paper was loud, and I couldn't wake my parents.

I crept down the hall, towards the stairs. A few crinkles later, I arrived at the top of the stairs, relieved. Then, I saw a faint blue glow at the bottom of the stairs. Oh no.

We have nightlights stationed throughout our house, that only light up when they sense movement in their proximity. So the blue light meant...

My breath fell short. I stumbled down a few stairs. I had to make this quick.

There's no such thing as ghosts. There's no such thing as ghosts. There's no such thing as-

I was back on the stairs, after placing my phone in the kitchen. I was alive. Pfft, why was I even scared.

Back upstairs, I peeked into my parents' room. They were both asleep. Same with my brother and sister.

Then who was downstairs? I raced back to my bed, and hid under the covers.

There's no such thing as ghosts.

Yes, but-

There's no such thing as ghosts.

What about a murderer?

There's no such thing as ghosts.

I breathed heavily. There was someone downstairs. Maybe someone who wanted to strike on Friday the 13th out of tradition. Some sick killer with a twisted mind.

I stayed hunkered down in my blanket cave, coming up with options. I could warn my family. But what if it was too late? Or what if I made noise and alerted the killer? I could escape myself. But what would I do when I returned to find my family slaughtered?

I squeezed my eyes shut, and stayed put. The next time I dared too look out of the covers, it was 12:27. In my sleep-deprived mind, since Friday the 13th was over, I was automatically safe. I fell asleep.
My family is still alive. All of them.

My mom explained to me that she had toggled an option to keep the nightlight on at all times for when my grandma had been there a few days prior.

So there it is.

That's my Friday the 13th story. Nothing terribly frightening. Sorry if that's what you came for. I just figured it was kind of humorous in the grand scheme of things. At least in my mind. It really is funny how a single day can warp your thinking.

A random nightmare has significance.

A student late to class is a ghost.

A nightlight becomes proof of a murderer.

Interesting. Well, I hope you all had a terrifically terrifying Friday the 13th!
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