My Fan-Made Region

by Malgai

The Aegean Region.PNG
Malgai Some of you may have heard of my Fake'mon game, Pokemon Achroite, this is the map of the Aegean region. The game itself is still in progress, but it will be a great game if it turns out how I want it to be. There is no official release date, and just to keep in mind, this is a beta map, so it will be improved over time. If you guys have any ideas about my game, go right on ahead, i'll think of a way to put your ideas into the game when it's done (Which would be quite a while from now). Here is the current info on the game:
There are 25 badges to collect throughout game and post game:
There are many post game events to do after beating the Aegean league:
There are (so far) 14 Legendaries to catch:
(After all 25 badges are collected) 4 secret powerful trainers and 1 final boss trainer
Can visit 3 other regions (Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn)
Has the Black and White repel system
Has mild trainer customization(Hair color, skin color, and shirt/pants color)
  1. Skippidypowpow
    Wow. I tried doing pixel art. I stink at it.
    Jul 3, 2017
    SamTDG likes this.
  2. Malgai
    Thanks, this took me about 2 days to make :)
    Jul 3, 2017
  3. Skippidypowpow
    Nice! You must be impossibly good a pixel art!
    Jul 3, 2017
    SamTDG likes this.
  4. Malgai
    @Sandyplayz Yes, but i'm still making them. Remember in the rp discussion, when I tried to start with Shelmite? That's one of them. I'll soon post a pic of it.
    Apr 21, 2017
  5. The Delivery Pancham
    The Delivery Pancham
    Hey @SamTDG. I really like this map but I wanted to ask a question. Will there be Fakemon? Like your own Pokemon?
    Apr 21, 2017
    SamTDG likes this.
  6. Malgai
    @parisbuffet Those are not really surfing areas, you have to use a boat to get to island to island, the blue route lines are where you can surf. And also, that idea can work, i'll think of something.
    Apr 14, 2017
  7. parisbuffet
    Ooh, I can't wait to play it! Have you ever heard of Mirage Island from the gen 3 games? You can add something sorta similar to that where all that empty blue space is? Just a suggestion, since swimming around there seems like it might turn out to be a little time consuming. uvu
    Apr 14, 2017
    SamTDG likes this.
  8. Malgai
    @Lucky Ace Haha I know :D, this is a beta map, it will be updated over time.
    Apr 14, 2017
    Lucky Ace likes this.
  9. Peachy Ace
    Peachy Ace
    Groudon: My ratings: Too much Water!
    Apr 14, 2017
    Pokémon Golder and Retro Rewind like this.