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My days as a noob

by Dark gym leader Emilee

Dark gym leader Emilee Ok like everyone I was a noob once too. Buttttttt my noob days were pretty funny…to u know say the least.
Ok the first time I ever got a Pokémon game…I'm pretty sure it was Pokémon X and Y. Yep it was, so I was playing the game till it got to the starter part where u pick ur starter do I have to explain.…I picked fenniken cause it was cool. Then I went through the whole…give ur mom the letter oh look is it a love letter blah blah blah. Then I went to catch Pokémon.…I found this cool thing called wondertrade on my screen…guess who I wondertraded. Fenniken…u might be thinking whys that so bad? Well for a noob that just started the game and only had two Pokémon a now gone fenniken and a weak bunnelby…I was stuck with the bunnelby and I didt know how to restart the game so I was stuck. It took me a while just to beat the first trainer that blocks the forest…sad I know, and till this day I feel sorry for my past self yep…