Missing: Missing Part 3

by TheAverageCharmeleon

TheAverageCharmeleon So sorry this is so late!
That night was not what you would call "family fun time". In fact, it was the complete opposite. Police officers fired questions at me like a gun fires bullets. I was breathless by the time they left. My mom was crying her eyes out and my dad was trying to comfort her. I decided I had to go on my journey. Most kids leave to be come the champion or something like that. I just wanted my brother back. I hugged my parents, and ran out the door, not looking back.

My bike was useless to the pouring rain. I kept peddling. I couldn't stop. Not when I was this close...

Got to go.... will be finished at 9
  1. TheAverageCharmeleon
    here comes missing part 3 continued!
    Oct 4, 2018