Midnight the Shiny Umbreon

by Peachy Ace

Name - Midnight

Gender - Male

Species - Shiny Umbreon

Age - 16

Personality - Stubborn, Lazy, Tsundere

Appearance - Blue Scarf around his Neck, One Red Eye, One Yellow Eye

Family - Red (Brother), Také (Sister), Quote (Foster Son), Dusk (Father)

Mate - None

Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual

Pokemon Species Of Interest - Flareon


  • Consider yourself, Retarded...
  • Mate, I can't even...
  1. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Fahren: *Lays down on the ground, frowning* I hate you, Fahren. I can't believe you did this... Now she's gone... And it's all your fault... *Starts to cry, but shakes off the tears, walking off*
    Aeau: *Frowns, looking at Fahren* Dude...

    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  2. WolfyPop
    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  3. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Fahren: *Droops again, his gaze turning back to the ground* I know..... I shouldn't have said that... I knew I could never keep this perfect of a girl. Get ready for it, Fahren.

    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  4. WolfyPop

    Torch: ... Answering the question you said before, they have been friends for a long time, and Midnight has saved Phoenix many times.
    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  5. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    @WolfyPop Hey, could you reply to Fahren? It's kinda suspenseful...
    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  6. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Fahren: *Brow furrows* Wh-What's wrong?
    Aeau: Fahren...
    Fahren: Oh.... *Droops, bowing his head sadly* I'm sorry... I really didn't mean that... I'm just tired of Midnight always being rude to my best friend, usually for no reason.... *Looks back up at Torch, an apologetic look on his face* I'm sorry.... I didn't mean it, I swear...

    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere and WolfyPop like this.
  7. WolfyPop
    Torch: ... *narrows eyes at Fahren*
    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  8. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Aeau: *Pokes his head back in* Uh, Fahren?
    Fahren: *Pokes his head back in also* Hm? *Looks at Torch* Oh, hi! How are you?

    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  9. WolfyPop
    Jun 12, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere likes this.
  10. Peachy Ace
    Peachy Ace
    Midnight: ...
    Jun 10, 2017
  11. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Aeau: *Sighs* Man, you're even more of a jerk than I thought. Damn. *Walks off*
    Fahren: Gosh, how could someone like Phoenix be friends with someone like Midnight? *Trots off*
    Aeau: Yeah, it frickin' boggles the mind.
    Jun 10, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere and Lucky Ace like this.
  12. Peachy Ace
    Peachy Ace

    Midnight: Consider yourself Retarded Mate! It's Original, and in your Case, it's true. :@
    Jun 10, 2017
  13. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Aeau: Those quotes... Just, oh, the douchebaggiest. Bravo.
    Fahren: *Snorts, trying not to laugh*
    Jun 10, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere and Lucky Ace like this.
  14. WolfyPop
    Jun 10, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere, Lucky Ace and Il Fantasma like this.
  15. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    If this becomes a new trend, I'm gonna cry. xD
    Jun 10, 2017
    Yoshi_Dere, Lucky Ace and WolfyPop like this.