Mewtwofan259's Farewell

by Mewtwofan259

I have been on this website for 3 years. I didn't just join a website, I joined a community. I met many friends, had so many fun times writing, but I'm afraid that it has to come to a close. There are many reasons for this. It all started when I stopped Death Battle. I gave reasons for that, stating that I felt burned out, and that I just didn't have the time or spark to do it anymore. That's how I started Pokecharms. As a writer. Became a rather popular one. But it took 2 hours to write a battle. I didn't have time to do it anymore and it just wasn't fun. So I felt it was best for me if I stopped it. And then that's where my 2nd reason comes in. After I had stopped DB, I really didn't feel that I had a purpose here on Charms anymore. Most of my closest friends had joined a program called Discord, which had many more features than Charms and allowed for more communication, and on Discord, we could roleplay however we wanted to, without being bound by the threat of breaking someone else's rules who weren't even a part of our roleplay, but decides that we can't do it anymore. (A bit salty.) And now that I wasn't writing, there wasn't anything I could do on Charms that wasn't available on Discord. The third reason is something that is a little more personal to me. I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it, but I had a rather rough exchange with an admin that made me lose all respect for how this website is run. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash Pokecharms at all. Being on this site has been an incredible experience from start to finish. I met people like @Il Fantasma, @Eeveechu151, and @DopeLeafeon470, who remain some of my closest friends in the world. People have inspired me to work hard, persevere, and to always try my best. This community is amazing, all united under a common interest. People have been brought together. I don't feel like I changed Pokecharms, but I certainly hope that I at least made a difference for some people. People like @Lord Of Pain, @TooBlue12, @Special Riolu, and @LuckyMug are people I've known since I started, and I think that that have really helped me blossom into a better person. Pokecharms has changed my life. I've learned to just be 'Trenton', and not to hide from the people I trust. Thank you, Pokecharms. I'll never forget you. But I'm afraid this is farewell. Goodbye, all of you!
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    So much for the person I used to fanboy.
    Feb 11, 2018
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