by Gamingfan

pixil-frame-0 (4).png
Gamingfan Uh oh

Okay, kirby gets away with this since he's a fetal god and too adorable to attack, but no one else should Eff with Meta's mask, much less the rest of his clothing,

Fun fact, the black around naked knight was originally supposed to be a spoopy black aura, first attempt though, it looked like he busted through a wall. It was pretty funny, so I added a couple cracks to further that image
  1. flamsrcool
    what happened Kirby:@?
    Apr 25, 2020
    Gamingfan likes this.
  2. E.K.A.N.S.
    That title has earned you a like.

    Meta-SHITE! primed my brain to misread "fetal" and "spoopy" as "fecal" and "poopy."

    Keep it up :p
    Apr 25, 2020
    Gamingfan likes this.