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by Dootletail

Dootletail If you have no idea who Merry is,then she’s a villager in animal crossing.

Now you know I play animal crossing...Yee...

Merry is my FAVORITE and she will always be my FAVORITE,she’s so cute and sassy!I love her ♥
  1. Localised
    i didnt even know you liked animal crossing, welp now i do.
    if i could i'd give you my amiibo card of merry because i got one lol

    my favourite villager is lolly
    Apr 4, 2018
    Dootletail likes this.
  2. Joy~
    Aww! She's even cuter in your art style ^.^
    My favorite villager is Alice. ♥
    Feb 27, 2018
    Dootletail likes this.