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Merry Chrysler + Leaving Pokécharms

by BooBerry

BooBerry Wowie it’s been a while since the last time I was here

But anyway, I just wanted to announce that I’ll be leaving this site for good...

Yes, I’m not kidding, I’m actually going to leave this site

I’m quite sad about this, but I just don’t feel right here and maybe I’ve been here enough for me to leave

Plus I have more things to deal with, which is another reason why I’m leaving. I can’t just focus on this site all of the time since I’m already 7th grade and I’m close to being in high school

I’m sorry...

However there is one more thing left to say

First... I just want to say... Thank you everyone for bringing me through this journey as a member of this website

If I weren’t able to find this site not found out about Pokémon in the first place, who knows where I’ll be right now

And lastly...

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a wonderful 2019!!
  1. Sylvious
    Thank you for supporting the community for so long! I completely understand the reason for leaving. Merry Christmas, and I hope you'll have a great year! ^^
    Dec 24, 2018
    BooBerry likes this.