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Me as a Pokemon Trainer?

by Ariados twice

Ariados twice
Was tagged by @Generation Sect , challenge started by @Ry_Burst

What region?

The U.S. is not a region in Pokemon, but I’m thinking Kanto. It has islands as part of its region so why not? And the city/town? Probably Pallet Town (It’s one of the 3 locations I still remember, the other 2 being Cerulean City and Lavender Town, please cut me some slack).

First Pokemon?

Definitely Pikachu. It was my first favorite and has a special place in my heart

I’m actually kind of jumpy and stuff, so I don’t know if I’d have to work up the courage to do it when I was good to go or if I’d be pumped and all for it. (I don’t have the game systems for Pokemon so I guess I’ll have to go off the anime) The first Pokemon I catch, probably a Pidgey because they’re easy to catch.

Journey, collect badges, make friends… Challenge the League and lose.

Final team would most likely be

Pikachu (Sparks)

Pidgeot (Hurricane)

Ninetales (Flare)

Golduck (Tidepool)

Dragonite (Drake)

Gengar (Haunt)

I know I did terrible on this. I tag @Midnight Princess and, um, @WolfyPop
Midnight Heart, WolfyPop and Ry_Burst like this.