Me as a Pokemon Trainer!

by Generation Sect

Generation Sect You sending for me breh? I hope you're ready to get mad meme disstracked by my insane skill at putting words on a page.
Okay, so this is a writing challenge by @Ry_Burst, that I got tagged in. *que the clip of all the Mr. Meeseeks saying "He roped me into this!"* Well, I have accepted this invitation to literary combat. En ZyGarde m8. I'm just going to start right off because i don't do explanations well.

What region?
So, uh, England isn't a Pokemon region. (AnD tHat'S BecAuSe IT's a cItY!!!) So I spent many, many years of silent meditation attempting to search my soul and the deepest depths of the mindscape for the answer, and that's when the revelation hit me...
Yeah, it's probably Hoenn.
Point one is because I like it, and is tied for favourite region with Sinnoh. (Although Soulsilver = bezt game by far, how I love Gen 4) Although, my flawed logic/excuse for choosing it is that Hoenn has a lot of water, 7.8/10 too much water to be exact. In England, we... uh... also have water. (Coincidence? I think NOT! Hoenn = My city confirmed! You heard it here first folks!) Except unlike in Hoenn, all that water rains from above (sort of like Justice). Wow, I really padded it out for that bad weather joke. But yeah, Hoenn, and for where I would live... Gotta be Lilycove. I live in a nice little town that isn't exactly rural, but also not too urban, and tbh even though i don't live across the sea to to Team Magma/Aqua's base, it's probably the best choice.

First Pokemon? Hmm, since it's Hoenn I just gotta be lame and go for one of the starters, because I really like all of them. Torchic is cool and all but it just doesn't fit me. Treecko is one of my favourite starters, but I feel like since this is Lilycove/the too much water place, I'm not gonna cop out and I'm gonna take the everliving meme that is Mudkip. I herd(ier) that u liek(ilicky) Mudkipz! Am I funny yet? No? Okay, I'm just gonna roll right on to the next part.

Knowing me, I would probably have the world's most boring life until my parent's finally let me go on an adventure, because i would want to do that because all the cool trainers do that. Also probably for a Metagross. They're pretty cool. I'd probably end up getting gym badges along the way, just because there's the opportunity and I can. So, on the way to the first gym at Rustboro I'd be asked to help a guy find his Peeko, and I'd just leave him and continue on into the cave because I thought he was a TyranitarTube fan prank calling me or something. There I would find a lot of Whismur blocking the path! Gasp!
I'd just catch all of them. Probably would be hard because I'm a bad thrower but the more Whismur's the better. I'd keep one of these in my party, and keep my choir of Whismur's for the future in case I ever need to blast an anime opening really loud. Which is probably always.

I'd then later catch Shroomish for the Rustboro gym, and win because type advantage.
Holy Dialga Batman! Sudden Timeskip! I'd probably challenge the league for the lulz, and obviously lose. After that I'd probably go off to a nearby Battle Frontier, and get a lot more fun out of Pokemon battling using modes with special rules.
They say that still to this day, if you scale the highest point of Lilycove Town, and look to the sea in the direction of the Battle Frontier, and try and listen really hard, you might just hear the sound of a row of Exploud's blasting some anime openings- wait, what's that? Isn't that- (Sasageyo and Sora Ni Utabea both blast through room at levels that only dogs should be able to hear).

Now, it's time for the final team. All passionately nicknamed by me, of course.

Swampert (Meme Man)

Exploud (The Sasageyo Speaker)

Breloom (Breloominati Confirmed)

Manectric (Dollarstore Raikou)

Flygon (I am a Genji main)

Metagross (Professor X's Wheelchair)

Now, I am sorry, but it is time for the Tagging. It's like that thing in the Hunger Games, or getting your name written in a Death Note, or a coconut falling on your head. It's all down to chance, you're praying it's not you and if it is you your 100% dead. Like, it's over. Clearly there is no way this superior entry could be contended with. The pure meme volume... verily, it is so densely packed with memery that it would take a talented Meme Historian many years to fully interpret and understand the deep metaphors and symbolism in this extract alone. But anyway, yeah, uh...

@ZiruDeathLord, @Excalibur Queen , you're up.
Prepare to be meme'd.
Dangit I made this all comedic didn't I.
  1. Generation Sect
    Generation Sect
    An anime too dark for the little Sylvia's. Seriously tho.
    Sep 7, 2017
  2. YourLittleSylvia
    What's a Death Note?
    Sep 7, 2017
  3. Generation Sect
    Generation Sect
    I don't know, at least it was only a Death Note. A coconut falling on your head would probably be worse. That's more likely then being eaten by a shark y'know.
    Sep 7, 2017
  4. flint-n-steel
    You wrote my name in a death note....How dare you......LULZ, OKAY! I'LL DO THIS ANYWAY! IT'LL PROBABLY BE FUN :D
    Sep 7, 2017