Theories n' Stuff: MCSM: Is Magnus/Ellegaard Really Dead?

by Cloudswift

Cloudswift This has been something I've been thinking about for a while. I've wanted to make a theory series myself, so here it is~

Oh yeah, and spoilers. Obviously.
First off, can we PLEASE just recognize how AMAZING the Magnugaard ship would be? Like seriously XD That ship was lit, please someone bring it back.

Now, onto the important stuff. No matter whose armor you took, one of these characters died during Episode 3. If you took Magnus's armor, he died. If you took Ellegaard's armor...yeah, she died. OR DID THEY? Well, you read the title, right? I mean, I wouldn't be covering this if --

For simplicity, I'll use Magnus when I discuss the person in question. I don't actually own the game(Thank you DanTDM for your YouTube videos, without you I would be lost XD), but if I did then I would have chosen his armor. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!

Here's my argument: you know how everything flashes red and then disappears when it dies in the MCSM universe(presumably unless they die from Wither sickness, though that may be debatable)? Magnus didn't. If I recall correctly, he didn't even flash red when he hit the tree, something we know happens whenever a character takes damage from several moments, the most notable being the mob fighting interface instances. Back on track, when Soren is supporting his weakened friend and Jesse is giving his last goodbye to the beloved hero, Magnus's eyes roll up and his hand goes limp. He doesn't disappear, though, nor does he flash red. The camera cuts to the sad and shocked faces of Jesse and company, then moves on to the rescue scene. However, we never see what happened to Magnus. I've got some speculation as to what became of the griefer, but I'll get to that later. Point is, he ain't dead yet.

Now, of course I ran this by a few of my fellow MCSM fans back in my neck of the woods. They did seem supportive of my theory, but one of them made an observation that now seems very unfounded: what if they just hadn't made a particle effect for the death scenes? At the time, I thought this disproved my theory entirely, but then I realized that couldn't be the case. Remember back in Episode 1, when Jesse's wooden sword broke? You know what happened to it? Particle effect. Boom Town, baby! Something else that may break my theory entirely: what about all those times when a character landed on another character? Olivia landed on Axel in Episode 1, Jesse was brutally slammed into Lukas(or vice versa, I don't really remember XD) in Episode 2, and all those times that Axel landed on Lukas in Episode 3. Poor, poor Lukas. Anyways, none of the characters flashed red when this happened, meaning they didn't take damage. Bada bing, bada boom, the theory remains victorious!

Now here's what I think may have happened to Magnus the Rogue. I suspect that he was either taken to the Nether by a few of his fellow griefers when the Witherstorm came back and has been hiding there since, unaware that it's been dead for quite a while now, or he died in the Wither after being sucked in upon it's return. It seems more plausible that the first is true, but maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    (hops up to high-five you but misses and face-plants on the ground)
    (walks like a bug back to the loser corner)
    Nov 28, 2017
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