Marowak Alola Form

by Swaggering Kid

Alola Marowak.png
  1. Quartz-ie
    I am SO EXCITED! Marowak+Fire=One bad baby! ♥
    Aug 6, 2016
    Frarly Gog likes this.
  2. Ink&HotSauce
    I love it, its magical :3
    Aug 4, 2016
    Frarly Gog likes this.
  3. BLOO Muffin
    BLOO Muffin
    Yeah, I was so confused when they said the Fire Trial Captian had a Marowak. I was like, "Marowak is ground!"
    Aug 4, 2016
    Frarly Gog likes this.
  4. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    I was thinking exactly that when they said the Fire Trial Captain had a Marowak.
    Aug 4, 2016
    Frarly Gog likes this.